Spin Locks

With atomic operations and invariants, we can build many useful abstractions for concurrency programming. In this chapter, we’ll look at how to build a spin lock for mutual exclusion.

Representing a Lock

The main idea of the implementation is to represent a lock using a mutable machine word, where the value 0ul signifies that the lock is currently released; and 1ul signifies that the lock is currently acquired. To acquire a lock, we’ll try to atomically compare-and-swap, repeating until we succeed in setting a 1ul and acquiring the lock. Releasing the lock is simpler: we’ll just set it to 0ul (though we’ll explore a subtlety on how to handle double releases).

From a specification perspective, a lock is lot like an invariant: the predicate type lock_alive l p states that the lock protects some property p. Acquiring the lock provides p to the caller; while releasing the lock requires the caller to give up ownership of p. The runtime mutual exclusion is enforced by the acquire spinning, or looping, until the lock is available.

We’ll represent a lock as a pair of reference to a U32.t and an invariant:

let maybe (b:bool) (p:vprop) =
  if b then p else emp

let lock_inv (r:B.box U32.t) (p:vprop) : v:vprop { is_big p ==> is_big v } =
  exists* v. B.pts_to r v ** maybe (v = 0ul) p

type lock = {
  r:B.box U32.t;

let lock_alive (l:lock) (p:vprop) =
  inv l.i (lock_inv l.r p)

The predicate lock_inv r p states:

  • We hold full permission to the r:box U32.t; and

  • If r contains 0ul, then we also have p.

The lock itself pairs the concrete mutable state box U32.t with an invariant reference i:iref, where the lock_alive l p predicate states that l.i names an invariant for lock_alive l.r p.

Creating a lock

To create a lock, we implement new_lock below. It requires the caller to provide p, ceding ownership of p to the newly allocated l:lock

fn new_lock (p:vprop { is_big p })
requires p
returns l:lock
ensures lock_alive l p
   let r = B.alloc 0ul;
   fold (maybe (0ul = 0ul) p);
   fold (lock_inv r p);
   let i = new_invariant (lock_inv r p);
   let l = {r;i};
   rewrite (inv i (lock_inv r p)) as
           (inv l.i (lock_inv l.r p));
   fold lock_alive;

Importantly, since allocating a lock involves allocating an invariant that protects the predicate p, we need p to be boxable.

Some notes on the implementation:

  • We heap allocate a reference using Box.alloc, since clearly, the lock has to live beyond the scope of this function’s activation.

  • We use new_invariant to create an inv i (lock_inv r p), and package it up with the newly allocated reference.

Duplicating permission to a lock

Locks are useful only if they can be shared between multiple threads. The lock_alive l p expresses ownership of a lock—but, since lock_alive is just an invariant, we can use dup_inv to duplicate lock_alive.

fn dup_lock_alive (l:lock) (p:vprop)
  requires lock_alive l p
  ensures lock_alive l p ** lock_alive l p
  unfold lock_alive;
  dup_inv l.i (lock_inv l.r p);
  fold lock_alive;
  fold lock_alive

Acquiring a lock

The signature of acquire is shown below: it says that with lock_alive l p, we can get back p without proving anything, i.e., the precondition is emp.

fn rec acquire (#p:vprop) (l:lock)
requires lock_alive l p
ensures lock_alive l p ** p

This may be seem surprising at first. But, recall that we’ve stashed p inside the invariant stored in the lock, and acquire is going to keep looping until such time as a CAS on the reference in the lock succeeds, allowing us to pull out p and return it to the caller.

The type of a compare-and-swap is shown below, from Pulse.Lib.Reference:

let cond b (p q:vprop) = if b then p else q
fn cas_box (r:Box.box U32.t) (u v:U32.t) (#i:erased U32.t)
requires Box.pts_to r i
returns b:bool
ensures cond b (Box.pts_to r v ** pure (reveal i == u))
               (Box.pts_to r i))

The specification of cas_box r u v says that we can try to atomically update r from u to v, and if the operation succeeds, we learn that the initial value (i) of r was equal to u.

Using cas_box, we can implement acquire using a tail-recursive function:

  unfold lock_alive;
  let b = 
    with_invariants l.i
      returns b:bool
      ensures inv l.i (lock_inv l.r p) ** maybe b p
      opens (add_inv emp_inames l.i) {
      unfold lock_inv;
      let b = cas_box l.r 0ul 1ul;
      if b
        elim_cond_true _ _ _;
        with _b. rewrite (maybe _b p) as p;
        fold (maybe false p);
        rewrite (maybe false p) as (maybe (1ul = 0ul) p);
        fold (lock_inv l.r p);
        fold (maybe true p);
        elim_cond_false _ _ _;
        fold (lock_inv l.r p);
        fold (maybe false p);
  fold lock_alive;
  if b { rewrite (maybe b p) as p; }
  else { rewrite (maybe b p) as emp; acquire l }

The main part of the implementation is the with_invariants block.

  • Its return type b:bool and postcondition is inv l.i (lock_inv l.r p) ** maybe b p, signifying that after a single cas, we may have p if the cas succeeded, while maintaining the invariant.

  • We open l.i to get lock_inv, and then try a cas_box l.r 0ul 1ul

  • If the cas_box succeeds, we know that the lock was initially in the 0ul state. So, from lock_inv we have p, and we can “take it out” of the lock and return it out of block as maybe true p. And, importantly, we can trivially restore the lock_inv, since we know its currently value is 1ul, i.e., maybe (1ul = 0ul) _ == emp.

  • If the cas_box fails, we just restore lock_inv and return false.

Outside the with_invariants block, if the CAS succeeded, then we’re done: we have p to return to the caller. Otherwise, we recurse and try again.


Rewrite the tail-recursive acquire using a while loop.

Releasing a lock

Releasing a lock is somewhat easier, at least for a simple version. The signature is the dual of acquire: the caller has to give up p to the lock.

fn release (#p:vprop) (l:lock)
requires lock_alive l p ** p
ensures lock_alive l p
  unfold lock_alive;
  with_invariants l.i
    returns _:unit
    ensures inv l.i (lock_inv l.r p)
    opens (add_inv emp_inames l.i) {
    unfold lock_inv;
    write_atomic_box l.r 0ul;
    drop_ (maybe _ _); //double release
    fold (maybe (0ul = 0ul) p);
    fold (lock_inv l.r p);
  fold lock_alive

In this implementation, release unconditionally sets the reference to 0ul and reproves the lock_inv, since we have p in context.

However, if the lock was already in the released state, it may already hold p—releasing an already released lock can allow the caller to leak resources.


Rewrite release to spin until the lock is acquired, before releasing it. This is not a particularly realistic design for avoiding a double release, but it’s a useful exercise.


Redesign the lock API to prevent double releases. One way to do this is when acquiring to lock to give out a permission to release it, and for release to require and consume that permission.


Add a liveness predicate, with fractional permissions, to allow a lock to be allocated, then shared among several threads, then gathered, and eventually free’d.