Parallel Increment

In this chapter, we look at an example first studied by Susan Owicki and David Gries, in a classic paper titled Verifying properties of parallel programs: an axiomatic approach. The problem involves proving that a program that atomically increments an integer reference r twice in parallel correctly adds 2 to r. There are many ways to do this—Owicki & Gries’ approach, adapted to a modern separation logic, involves the use of additional ghost state and offers a modular way to structure the proof.

While this is a very simple program, it captures the essence of some of the reasoning challenges posed by concurrency: two threads interact with a shared resource, contributing to it in an undetermined order, and one aims to reason about the overall behavior, ideally without resorting to directly analyzing each of the possible interleavings.

Parallel Blocks

Pulse provides a few primitives for creating new threads. The most basic one is parallel composition, as shown below:

requires p1 and p2
ensures q1 and q2
{ e1 }
{ e2 }

The typing rule for this construct requires:

val e1 : stt a p1 q1
val e2 : stt b p2 q2

and the parallel block then has the type:

stt (a & b) (p1 ** p2) (fun (x, y) -> q1 x ** q2 y)

In other words, if the current context can be split into separate parts p1 and p2 satisfying the preconditions of e1 and e2, then the parallel block executes e1 and e2 in parallel, waits for both of them to finish, and if they both do, returns their results as a pair, with their postconditions on each component.

Using parallel, one can easily program the par combinator below:

fn par (#pf #pg #qf #qg:_)
       (f: unit -> stt unit pf (fun _ -> qf))
       (g: unit -> stt unit pg (fun _ -> qg))
requires pf ** pg
ensures qf ** qg
  requires pf and pg
  ensures qf and qg
  { f () }
  { g () };

As we saw in the introduction to Pulse, it’s easy to increment two separate references in parallel:

fn par_incr (x y:ref int)
requires pts_to x 'i ** pts_to y 'j
ensures pts_to x ('i + 1) ** pts_to y ('j + 1)
   par (fun _ -> incr x)
       (fun _ -> incr y)

But, what if we wanted to increment the same reference in two separate threads? That is, we wanted to program something like this:

fn add2 (x:ref int)
requires pts_to x 'i
ensures pts_to x ('i + 2)
   par (fun _ -> incr x)
       (fun _ -> incr x)

But, this program doesn’t check. The problem is that we have only a single pts_to x 'i, and we can’t split it to share among the threads, since both threads require full permission to x to update it.

Further, for the program to correctly add 2 to x, each increment operations must take place atomically, e.g., if the two fragments below were executed in parallel, then they may both read the initial value of x first, bind it to `v, and then both update it to v + 1.

let v = !x;      ||    let v = !x;
x := v + 1;      ||    x := v + 1;

Worse, without any synchronization, on modern processors with weak memory models, this program could exhibit a variety of other behaviors.

To enforce synchronization, we could use a lock, e.g., shown below:

fn attempt (x:ref int)
requires pts_to x 'i
ensures exists* v. pts_to x v
  let l = L.new_lock (exists* v. pts_to x v);
  fn incr ()
  requires L.lock_alive l #0.5R (exists* v. pts_to x v)
  ensures L.lock_alive l #0.5R (exists* v. pts_to x v)
    L.acquire l;
    let v = !x;
    x := v + 1;
    L.release l
  L.share2 l;
  par incr incr;
  L.gather2 l;
  L.acquire l; l

This program is type correct and free from data races. But, since the lock holds the entire permission on x, there’s no way to give this function a precise postcondition.


In this section, we use an implementation of spin locks from the Pulse library, Pulse.Lib.SpinLock. Unlike the version we developed in the previous chapter, these locks use a fraction-indexed permission, lock_alive l #f p. The also provide a predicate, lock_acquired l, that indicates when the lock has been taken. With full-permission to the lock, and lock_acquired l, the lock can be freed—reclaiming the underlying memory. Additionally, the lock_acquired predicate ensures that locks cannot be double freed. As such, Pulse.Lib.SpinLock fixes the problems with the spin locks we introduced in the previous chapter and also provides a solution to the exercises given there.

A First Take, with Locks

Owicki and Gries’ idea was to augment the program with auxiliary variables, or ghost state, that are purely for specification purposes. Each thread gets its own piece of ghost state, and accounts for how much that thread has contributed to the current value of shared variable. Let’s see how this works in Pulse.

The main idea is captured by lock_inv, the type of the predicate protected by the lock:

let contributions (left right: GR.ref int) (i v:int) : v:vprop { is_big v }=
  exists* (vl vr:int).
    GR.pts_to left #0.5R vl **
    GR.pts_to right #0.5R vr **
    pure (v == i + vl + vr)

let lock_inv (x:ref int) (init:int) (left right:GR.ref int) : v:vprop { is_big v } =
  exists* v. 
    pts_to x v **
    contributions left right init v

Our strawman lock in the attempt shown before had type lock (exists* v. pts_to x v). This time, we add a conjunct that refines the value v, i.e., the predicate contributions l r init v says that the current value of x protected by the lock (i.e., v) is equal to init + vl + vr, where init is the initial value of x; vl is the value of the ghost state owned by the “left” thread; and vr is the value of the ghost state owned by the “right” thread. In other words, the predicate contributions l r init v shows that v always reflects the values of the contributions made by each thread.

Note, however, the contributions predicate only holds half-permission on the left and right ghost variables. The other half permission is held outside the lock and allows us to keep track of each threads contribution in our specifications.

Here’s the code for the left thread, incr_left:

fn incr_left (x:ref int)
             (#left:GR.ref int)
             (#right:GR.ref int)
             (#i:erased int)
             (lock:L.lock )
requires L.lock_alive lock #p (lock_inv x i left right) ** GR.pts_to left #0.5R 'vl
ensures L.lock_alive lock #p (lock_inv x i left right) ** GR.pts_to left #0.5R ('vl + 1)
  L.acquire lock;
  unfold lock_inv;
  unfold contributions;
  let v = !x;
  x := v + 1;
  GR.gather left;
  GR.write left ('vl + 1);
  GR.share left;
  fold (contributions left right i (v + 1));
  fold lock_inv;
  L.release lock
  • Its arguments include x and the lock, but also both pieces of ghost state, left and right, and an erased value i for the initial value of x.

  • Its precondition holds half permission on the ghost reference left

  • Its postcondition returns half-permission to left, but proves that it was incremented, i.e., the contribution of the left thread to the value of x increased by 1.

Notice that even though we only had half permission to left, the specifications says we have updated left—that’s because we can get the other half permission we need by acquiring the lock.

  • We acquire the lock and update increment the value stored in x.

  • And then we follow the increment with several ghost steps:

    • Gain full permission on left by combining the half permission from the precondition with the half permission gained from the lock.

    • Increment left.

    • Share it again, returning half permission to the lock when we release it.

  • Finally, we GR.pts_to left #one_half (`vl + 1) left over to return to the caller in the postcondition.

The code of the right thread is symmetrical, but in this, our first take, we have to essentially repeat the code—we’ll see how to remedy this shortly.

fn incr_right (x:ref int)
              (#left:GR.ref int)
              (#right:GR.ref int)
              (#i:erased int)
requires L.lock_alive lock #p (lock_inv x i left right) ** GR.pts_to right #0.5R 'vl
ensures L.lock_alive lock #p (lock_inv x i left right) ** GR.pts_to right #0.5R ('vl + 1)
  L.acquire lock;
  unfold lock_inv;
  unfold contributions;
  let v = !x;
  x := v + 1;
  GR.gather right;
  GR.write right ('vl + 1);
  GR.share right;
  fold (contributions left right i (v + 1));
  fold (lock_inv x i left right);
  L.release lock

Finally, we can implement add2 with the specification we want:

fn add2 (x:ref int)
requires pts_to x 'i
ensures  pts_to x ('i + 2)
  let left = GR.alloc 0;
  let right = GR.alloc 0;
  GR.share left;
  GR.share right;
  fold (contributions left right 'i 'i);
  fold (lock_inv x 'i left right);
  let lock = L.new_lock (lock_inv x 'i left right);
  L.share2 lock;
  par (fun _ -> incr_left x lock)
      (fun _ -> incr_right x lock);
  L.gather2 lock;
  L.acquire lock; lock;
  unfold lock_inv;
  unfold contributions;
  GR.gather left;
  GR.gather right; left; right;
  • We allocate left and right ghost references, initializing them to 0.

  • Then we split them, putting half permission to both in the lock, retaining the other half.

  • Then spawn two threads for incr_left and incr_right, and get as a postcondition that contributions of both threads and increased by one each.

  • Finally, we acquire the lock, get pts_to x v, for some v, and contributions left right i v. Once we gather up the permission on left and right, and now the contributions left right i v tells us that v == i + 1 + 1, which is what we need to conclude.

Modularity with higher-order ghost code

Our next attempt aims to write a single function incr, rather than incr_left and incr_right, and to give incr a more abstract, modular specification. The style we use here is based on an idea proposed by Bart Jacobs and Frank Piessens in a paper titled Expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specification.

The main idea is to observe that incr_left and incr_right only differ by the ghost code that they execute. But, Pulse is higher order: so, why not parameterize a single function by incr and let the caller instantiate incr twice, with different bits of ghost code. Also, while we’re at it, why not also generalize the specification of incr so that it works with any user-chosen abstract predicate, rather than contributions and left/right ghost state. Here’s how:

fn incr (x: ref int)
        (#refine #aspec: int -> vprop)
          (v:int -> vq:int -> stt_ghost unit
               (refine v ** aspec vq ** pts_to x (v + 1))
               (fun _ -> refine (v + 1) ** aspec (vq + 1) ** pts_to x (v + 1))))
requires L.lock_alive l #p (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v) ** aspec 'i
ensures L.lock_alive l #p (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v) ** aspec ('i + 1)
    L.acquire l;
    with _v. _;
    let vx = !x;
    rewrite each _v as vx;
    x := vx + 1;
    ghost_steps vx 'i;
    L.release l;

As before, incr requires x and the lock, but, this time, it is parameterized by:

  • A predicate refine, which generalizes the contributions predicate from before, and refines the value that x points to.

  • A predicate aspec, an abstract specification chosen by the caller, and serves as the main specification for incr, which transitions from aspec 'i to aspec ('i + 1).

  • And, finally, the ghost function itself, ghost_steps, now specified abstractly in terms of the relationship between refine, aspec and pts_to x—it says, effectively, that once x has been updated, the abstract predicates refine and aspec can be updated too.

Having generalized incr, we’ve now shifted the work to the caller. But, incr, now verified once and for all, can be used with many different callers just by instantiating it differently. For example, if we wanted to do a three-way parallel increment, we could reuse our incr as is. Whereas, our first take would have to be completely revised, since incr_left and incr_right assume that there are only two ghost references, not three.

Here’s one way to instantiate incr, proving the same specification as add2.

fn add2_v2 (x: ref int)
requires pts_to x 'i
ensures pts_to x ('i + 2)
    let left = GR.alloc 0;
    let right = GR.alloc 0;
    GR.share left;
    GR.share right;
    fold (contributions left right 'i 'i);
    let lock = L.new_lock (
      exists* (v:int).
        pts_to x v ** contributions left right 'i v
    fn step
        (lr:GR.ref int)
        (b:bool { if b then lr == left else lr == right })
        (v vq:int)
        contributions left right 'i v **
        GR.pts_to lr #0.5R vq **
        pts_to x (v + 1)
        contributions left right 'i (v + 1) **
        GR.pts_to lr #0.5R (vq + 1) **
        pts_to x (v + 1)
      unfold contributions;
      if b
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to left #_p _v);
        GR.gather left;
        GR.write left (vq + 1);
        GR.share left;      
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to left #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v);
        fold (contributions left right 'i (v + 1));
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to right #_p _v);
        GR.gather right;
        GR.write right (vq + 1);
        GR.share right;      
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to right #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v);
        fold (contributions left right 'i (v + 1));
    L.share2 lock;
    par (fun _ -> incr x lock (step left true))
        (fun _ -> incr x lock (step right false));
    L.gather2 lock;
    L.acquire lock; lock;
    unfold (contributions left right 'i);
    GR.gather left;
    GR.gather right; left; right;

The code is just a rearrangement of what we had before, factoring the ghost code in incr_left and incr_right into a ghost function step. When we spawn our threads, we pass in the ghost code to either update the left or the right contribution.

This code still has two issues:

  • The ghost step function is a bloated: we have essentially the same code and proof twice, once in each branch of the conditional. We can improve this by defining a custom bit of ghost state using Pulse’s support for partial commutative monoids—but that’s for another chapter.

  • We allocate and free memory for a lock, which is inefficient—could we instead do things with atomic operations? We’ll remedy that next.


Instead of explicitly passing a ghost function, use a quantified trade.

A version with invariants

As a final example, in this section, we’ll see how to program add2 using invariants and atomic operations, rather than locks.

Doing this properly will require working with bounded, machine integers, e.g., U32.t, since these are the only types that support atomic operations. However, to illustrate the main ideas, we’ll assume two atomic operations on unbounded integers—this will allow us to not worry about possible integer overflow. We leave as an exercise the problem of adapting this to U32.t.

val atomic_read (r:ref int) (#p:_) (#i:erased int)
  : stt_atomic int emp_inames 
    (pts_to r #p i)
    (fun v -> pts_to r #p i ** pure (reveal i == v))

val cas (r:ref int) (u v:int) (#i:erased int)
  : stt_atomic bool emp_inames 
    (pts_to r i)
    (fun b ->
      cond b (pts_to r v ** pure (reveal i == u)) 
             (pts_to r i))

Cancellable Invariants

The main idea of doing the add2 proof is to use an invariant instead of a lock. Just as in our previous code, add2 starts with allocating an invariant, putting exists* v. pts_to x v ** contribution left right i v in the invariant. Then call incr twice in different threads. However, finally, to recover pts_to x (v + 2), where previously we would acquire the lock, with a regular invariant, we’re stuck, since the pts_to x v permission is inside the invariant and we can’t take it out to return to the caller.

An invariant inv i p guarantees that the property p is true and remains true for the rest of a program’s execution. But, what if we wanted to only enforce p as an invariant for some finite duration, and then to cancel it? This is what the library Pulse.Lib.CancellableInvariant provides. Here’s the relevant part of the API:

[@@ erasable]
val cinv : Type0
val iref_of (c:cinv) : GTot iref

The main type it offers is cinv, the name of a cancellable invariant.

fn new_cancellable_invariant (v:boxable)
requires v
returns c:cinv
ensures inv (iref_of c) (cinv_vp c v) ** active c 1.0R

Allocating a cancellable invariant is similar to allocating a regular invariant, except one gets an invariant for an abstract predicate cinv_cp c v, and a fraction-indexed predicate active c 1.0R which allows the cancellable invariant to be shared and gathered between threads.

The cinv_cp c v predicate can be used in conjunction with active to recover the underlying predicate v—but only when the invariant has not been cancelled yet—this is what unpack_cinv_vp, and its inverse, pack_cinv_vp, allow one to do.

fn unpack_cinv_vp (#p:perm) (#v:vprop) (c:cinv)
requires cinv_vp c v ** active c p
ensures v ** unpacked c ** active c p

fn pack_cinv_vp (#v:vprop) (c:cinv)
requires v ** unpacked c
ensures cinv_vp c v

Finally, if one has full permission to the invariant (active c 1.0R) it can be cancelled and the underlying predicate v can be obtained as postcondition.

fn cancel (#v:vprop) (c:cinv)
requires inv (iref_of c) (cinv_vp c v) ** active c 1.0R
ensures v
opens add_inv emp_inames (iref_of c)

An increment operation

Our first step is to build an increment operation from an atomic_read and a cas. Here is its specification:

fn incr_atomic
        (x: ref int)
        (#refine #aspec: int -> vprop)
        (f: (v:int -> vq:int -> stt_ghost unit
                  (refine v ** aspec vq ** pts_to x (v + 1))
                  (fun _ -> refine (v + 1) ** aspec (vq + 1) ** pts_to x (v + 1))))
requires inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v)) ** aspec 'i ** c p
ensures inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v)) ** aspec ('i + 1) ** c p

The style of specification is similar to the generic style we used with incr, except now we use cancellable invariant instead of a lock.

For its implementation, the main idea is to repeatedly read the current value of x, say v; and then to cas in v+1 if the current value is still v.

The read function is relatively easy:

  fn read ()
  requires inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v)) ** c p
  returns v:int
  ensures inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v)) ** c p
  opens (add_inv emp_inames (C.iref_of c))
    with_invariants (C.iref_of c)
        C.unpack_cinv_vp #p c;
        let v = atomic_read x;
        C.pack_cinv_vp #(exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v) c;
  • We open the invariant l; then, knowing that the invariant is still active, we can unpack` it; then read the value v; pack it back; and return v.

The main loop of incr_atomic is next, shown below:

  let mut continue = true;
  fold (cond true (aspec 'i) (aspec ('i + 1)));
  while (
    with _b. _;
    let b = !continue;
    rewrite each _b as b;
  invariant b.
    inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v)) **
    pts_to continue b ** c p **
    cond b (aspec 'i) (aspec ('i + 1))
    let v = read ();
    let next = 
      with_invariants (C.iref_of c)
      returns b1:bool
      ensures inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v))
          ** cond b1 (aspec 'i) (aspec ('i + 1))
          ** pts_to continue true
          ** c p
        C.unpack_cinv_vp c;
        let b = cas x v (v + 1);
        if b
          elim_cond_true b _ _;
          elim_cond_true true _ _;
          with vv. assert (refine vv);
          f vv _;
          intro_cond_false (aspec 'i) (aspec ('i + 1));
          C.pack_cinv_vp #(exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v) c;
          with p q. rewrite (cond b p q) as q;
          C.pack_cinv_vp #(exists* v. pts_to x v ** refine v) c;
    continue := next

The loop invariant says:

  • the invariant remains active

  • the local variable continue determines if the loop iteration continues

  • and, so long as the loop continues, we still have aspec 'i, but when the loop ends we have aspec ('i + 1)

The body of the loop is also interesting and consists of two atomic operations. We first read the value of x into v. Then we open the invariant again try to cas in v+1. If it succeeds, we return false from the with_invariants block; otherwise true. And, finally, outside the with_invariants block, we set the continue variable accordingly. Recall that with_invariants allows at most a single atomic operation, so we having done a cas, we are not allowed to also set continue inside the with_invariants block.


Finally, we implement our parallel increment again, add2_v3, this time using invariants, though it has the same specification as before.

fn add2_v3 (x: ref int)
requires pts_to x 'i
ensures pts_to x ('i + 2)
    let left = GR.alloc 0;
    let right = GR.alloc 0;
    GR.share left;
    GR.share right;
    fold (contributions left right 'i 'i);
    let c = C.new_cancellable_invariant (
      exists* (v:int).
          pts_to x v **
          contributions left right 'i v
    fn step
        (lr:GR.ref int)
        (b:bool { if b then lr == left else lr == right })
        (v vq:int)
        contributions left right 'i v **
        GR.pts_to lr #0.5R vq **
        pts_to x (v + 1)
        contributions left right 'i (v + 1) **
        GR.pts_to lr #0.5R (vq + 1) **
        pts_to x (v + 1)
      unfold contributions;
      if b
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to left #_p _v);
        GR.gather left;
        GR.write left (vq + 1);
        GR.share left;      
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to left #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v);
        fold (contributions left right 'i (v + 1));
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to right #_p _v);
        GR.gather right;
        GR.write right (vq + 1);
        GR.share right;      
        with _p _v. rewrite (GR.pts_to right #_p _v) as (GR.pts_to lr #_p _v);
        fold (contributions left right 'i (v + 1));
    C.share2 c;
    with pred. assert (inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** pred v)));
    dup_inv (C.iref_of c) (C.cinv_vp c (exists* v. pts_to x v ** pred v));
    par (fun _ -> incr_atomic x c (step left true))
        (fun _ -> incr_atomic x c (step right false));
    C.gather2 c;
    C.cancel c;
    unfold contributions;
    GR.gather left;
    GR.gather right; left; right;
    drop_ (inv _ _)

The code too is very similar to add2_v2, except instead of allocating a lock, we allocate a cancellable invariant. And, at the end, instead of acquiring, and leaking, the lock, we simply cancel the invariant and we’re done.


Implement add2 on a ref U32.t. You’ll need a precondition that 'i + 2 < pow2 32 and also to strengthen the invariant to prove that each increment doesn’t overflow.