Atomic Operations and Invariants

In this section, we finally come to some concurrency related constructs.

Concurrency in Pulse is built around two concepts:

  • Atomic operations: operations that are guaranteed to be executed in a single-step of computation without interruption by other threads.

  • Invariants: named predicates that are enforced to be true at all times. Atomic operations can make use of invariants, assuming they are true in the current state, and enforced to be true again once the atomic step concludes.

Based on this, and in conjunction with all the other separation logic constructs that we’ve learned about so far, notably the use of ghost state, Pulse enables proofs of concurrent programs.

Atomic Operations

We’ve learned so far about two kinds of Pulse computations:

  • General purpose, partially correct computations, with the stt computation type

  • Ghost computations, proven totally correct, and enforced to be computationally irrelevant with the stt_ghost computation type.

Pulse offers a third kind of computation, atomic computations, with the stt_atomic computation type. Here is the signature of read_atomic and write_atomic from Pulse.Lib.Reference:

fn read_atomic (r:ref U32.t) (#n:erased U32.t) (#p:perm)
requires pts_to r #p n
returns x:U32.t
ensures pts_to r #p n ** pure (reveal n == x)
fn write_atomic (r:ref U32.t) (x:U32.t) (#n:erased U32.t)
requires pts_to r n
ensures pts_to r x

The atomic annotation on these functions claims that reading and writing 32-bit integers can be done in a single atomic step of computation.

This is an assumption about the target architecture on which a Pulse program is executed. It may be that on some machines, 32-bit values cannot be read or written atomically. So, when using atomic operations, you should be careful to check that its safe to assume that these operations truly are atomic.

Pulse also provides a way for you to declare that other operations are atomic, e.g., maybe your machine supports 64-bit or 128-bit atomic operations—you can program the semantics of these operations in F* and add them to Pulse, marking them as atomic.

Sometimes, particularly at higher order, you will see atomic computations described by the computation type below:

val stt_atomic (t:Type) (i:inames) (pre:vprop) (post:t -> vprop)
  : Type u#4

Like stt_ghost, atomic computations are total and live in universe u#4. As such, you cannot store an atomic function in the state, i.e., ref (unit -> stt_atomic t i p q) is not a well-formed type.

Atomic computations and ghost computations are also indexed by i:inames, where inames is a set of invariant names. We’ll learn about these next.


In Pulse.Lib.Core, we have the following types:

val iref : Type0
val inv (i:iref) (p:vprop) : vprop

Think of inv i p as a predicate asserting that p is true in the current state and all future states of the program. Every invariant has a name, i:iref, though, the name is only relevant in specifications, i.e., it is erasable.

A closely related type is iname:

val iname : eqtype
let inames = erased (FStar.Set.set iname)

Every iref can be turned into an iname, with the function iname_of (i:iref): GTot iname.

Invariants are duplicable, i.e., from inv i p one can prove inv i p ** inv i p, as shown by type of Pulse.Lib.Core.dup_inv below:

val dup_inv (i:iref) (p:vprop)
  : stt_ghost unit emp_inames (inv i p) (fun _ -> inv i p ** inv i p)

Boxable predicates

Pulse’s language of predicates, i.e., the type vprop, is stratified. The type boxable is a refinement of vprop, defined as shown below in Pulse.Lib.Core

let boxable = v:vprop { is_big v }

That is, certain vprops, i.e., those that satisfy is_big, are boxable predicates. All the predicates that we have encountered so far are boxable, except for the inv i p predicate. For example, pts_to x v is boxable; exists* x. p x is boxable if p x is boxable; etc. However inv i p is not boxable.

Why does this matter? It turns out that PulseCore, the logic on which Pulse is built, only allows turning boxable predicates into invariants. That is, while one can build an invariant such as inv i (exists* v. pts_to x v), one cannot nest invariants, i.e., there is no meaningful way to construct an instance of inv i (inv j p).

This restriction is a fundamental limitation of PulseCore: invariants cannot mention other invariants. In more technical terms, invariants are predicative. One might wonder whether this limitation is significant: after all, why might one want to construct an invariant that states that some p is already an invariant? It turns out that such predicates, although not very common, are useful and the inability to nest invariants in Pulse makes some styles of proofs awkward or perhaps even impossible. Nevertheless, forcing invariants to be predicative gives Pulse a simple foundational model in PulseCore in terms of a standard, predicative, dependently typed logic.

Let’s look next at how to turn a boxable predicate into an invariant.

Creating an invariant and boxable predicates

Let’s start by looking at how to create an invariant.

First, let’s define a predicate owns x, to mean that we hold full-permission on x.

let owns (x:ref U32.t) : v:vprop { is_big v }= exists* v. pts_to x v

Notice the type annotation on owns claims that it is boxable, and indeed F*’s refinement type checker automatically proves that it is.

Now, if we can currently prove pts_to r x then we can turn it into an invariant inv i (owns r), as shown below.

fn create_invariant (r:ref U32.t) (v:erased U32.t)
requires pts_to r v
returns i:iref
ensures inv i (owns r)
    fold owns;
    new_invariant (owns r)

Importantly, when we turn pts_to r x into inv i (owns r), we lose ownership of pts_to r x. Remember, once we have inv i (owns r), Pulse’s logic aims to prove that owns r remains true always. If we were allowed to retain pts_to r x, while also creating an inv i (owns r), we can clearly break the invariant, e.g., by freeing r.


A tip: When using an inv i p, it’s a good idea to make sure that p is a user-defined predicate. For example, one might think to just write inv i (exists* v. pts_to x v) instead of defining an auxiliary predicate for inv i (owns r). However, the some of the proof obligations produced by the Pulse checker are harder for the SMT solver to prove if you don’t use the auxiliary predicate and you may start to see odd failures. This is something we’re working to improve. In the meantime, use an auxiliary predicate.

Note, if one were to try to allocate an invariant for a non-boxable predicate, typechecking fails, as shown in the example below:

fn create_non_boxable_inv (p:vprop)
requires p
returns i:iref
ensures inv i p
  new_invariant p;

failing with an error pointing to the source location of the refinement precondition, is_big, at the call to new_invariant.

- Assertion failed
- The SMT solver could not prove the query. Use --query_stats for more details.
- See also ../../../lib/pulse/lib/Pulse.Lib.Core.fsti(536,29-536,37)

As you can see, although the language does not prevent you from writing inv i p for any predicate p, the only way to allocate an instance of inv i p is by provable that p is boxable. This design is convenient since the onus of proving that a predicate is boxable is only placed at the allocation site of the invariant—uses of invariants do not need to worry about the distinction between boxable and general vprops.

Opening an invariant

Now that we’ve allocated an inv i (owns r), what can we do with it? As we said earlier, one can make use of the owns r in an atomic computation, so long as we restore it at the end of the atomic step.

The with_invariants construct gives us access to the invariant within the scope of at most one atomic step, preceded or succeeded by as many ghost or unobservable steps as needed.

The general form of with_invariants is as follows, to “open” invariants i_1 to i_k in the scope of e.

with_invariants i_1 ... i_k
returns x:t
ensures post
{ e }

In many cases, the returns and ensures annotations are omitted, since it can be inferred.

This is syntactic sugar for the following nest:

with_invariants i_1 {
  with_invariants i_k
  returns x:t
  ensures post
  { e }

Here’s the rule for opening a single invariant inv i p using with_invariant i { e } is as follows:

  • i must have type iref and inv i p must be provable in the current context, for some p:vprop

  • e must have the type stt_atomic t j (p ** r) (fun x -> p ** s x). [1] That is, e requires and restores the invariant p, while also transforming r to s x, all in at most one atomic step. Further, the name_of_inv i must not be in the set j.

  • with_invariants i { e } has type stt_atomic t (add_inv i j) (inv i p ** r) (fun x -> inv i p ** s x). That is, e gets to use p for a step, and from the caller’s perspective, the context was transformed from r to s, while the use of p is hidden.

  • Pay attention to the add_inv i j index on with_invariants: stt_atomic (or stt_ghost) computation is indexed by the names of all the invariants that it may open.

Let’s look at a few examples to see how with_invariants works.

Updating a reference

In the example below, given inv i (owns r), we can atomically update a reference with a pre- and postcondition of emp.

fn update_ref_atomic (r:ref U32.t) (i:iref) (v:U32.t)
requires inv i (owns r)
ensures inv i (owns r)
opens (singleton i)
  with_invariants i {    //owns r
     unfold owns;        //ghost step;  exists* u. pts_to r u
     write_atomic r v;   //atomic step; pts_to r v
     fold owns;          //ghost step;  owns r
  • At the start of the with_invariants scope, we have owns r in the context.

  • The ghost step unfold owns unfolds it to its definition.

  • Then, we do a single atomic action, write_atomic.

  • And follow it up with a fold owns, another ghost step.

  • The block within with_invariants i has type stt_atomic unit emp_inames (owns r ** emp) (fun _ -> owns r ** emp)

  • Since we opened the invariant i, the type of update_ref_atomic records this in the opens (singleton i) annotation; equivalently, the type is stt_atomic unit (singleton i) (inv i (owns r)) (fun _ -> inv i (owns r)). When the opens annotation is omitted, it defaults to emp_inames, the empty set of invariant names.

Double opening is unsound

To see why we have to track the names of the opened invariants, consider the example below. If we opened the same invariant twice within the same scope, then it’s easy to prove False:

fn double_open_bad (r:ref U32.t) (i:inv (owns r))
requires emp
ensures pure False
    with_invariants i {
      with_invariants i {
        unfold owns;
        unfold owns;
        pts_to_dup_impossible r;
        fold owns;
        fold owns

Here, we open the invariants i twice and get owns r ** owns r, or more than full permission to r—from this, it is easy to build a contradiction.

Subsuming atomic computations

Atomic computations can be silently converted to regular, stt computations, while forgetting which invariants they opened. For example, update_ref below is not marked atomic, so its type doesn’t record which invariants were opened internally.

fn update_ref (r:ref U32.t) (i:iref) (v:U32.t)
requires inv i (owns r)
ensures inv i (owns r)
  with_invariants i {    //owns r
     unfold owns;        //ghost step;  exists* u. pts_to r u
     write_atomic r v;   //atomic step; pts_to r v
     fold owns;          //ghost step;  owns r

This is okay, since a non-atomic computation can never appear within a with_invariants block—so, there’s no fear of an stt computation causing an unsound double opening. Attempting to use a non-atomic computation in a with_invariants block produces an error, as shown below.

fn update_ref_fail (r:ref U32.t) (i:iref) (v:U32.t)
requires inv i (owns r)
ensures inv i (owns r)
  with_invariants i {
    unfold owns;
    r := v; //not atomic
    fold owns;
- This computation is not atomic nor ghost. `with_invariants`
  blocks can only contain atomic computations.