
To start writing interesting programs, we need a few control constructs. In this chapter, we’ll write some programs with branches of two kinds: if/else and match.

A Simple Branching Program: Max

Here’s a simple program that returns the maximum value stored in two references.

let max_spec x y = if x < y then y else x

fn max #p #q (x y:ref int)
requires pts_to x #p 'vx ** pts_to y #q 'vy
returns n:int
ensures pts_to x #p 'vx ** pts_to y #q 'vy
        ** pure (n == max_spec 'vx 'vy)
    let vx = !x;
    let vy = !y;
    if (vx > vy)

This program illustrates a very common specification style.

  • We have a pure, F* function max_spec

  • And a Pulse function working on mutable references, with a specification that relates it to the pure F* spec. In this case, we prove that max behaves like max_spec on the logical values that witness the contents of the two references.

The implementation of max uses a Pulse conditional statement. Its syntax is different from the F* if-then-else expression: Pulse uses a more imperative syntax with curly braces, which should be familiar from languages like C.

Limitation: Non-tail Conditionals

Pulse’s inference machinery does not yet support conditionals that appear in non-tail position. For example, this variant of max fails, with the error message shown below.

fn max_alt #p #q (x y:ref int)
requires pts_to x #p 'vx ** pts_to y #q 'vy
returns n:int
ensures pts_to x #p 'vx ** pts_to y #q 'vy
        ** pure (n == max_spec 'vx 'vy)
    let mut result = 0;
    let vx = !x;
    let vy = !y;
    if (vx > vy)
        result := vx;
        result := vy;
Pulse cannot yet infer a postcondition for a non-tail conditional statement;
Either annotate this `if` with `returns` clause; or rewrite your code to use a tail conditional

Here’s an annotated version of max_alt that succeeds.

fn max_alt #p #q (x y:ref int)
requires pts_to x #p 'vx ** pts_to y #q 'vy
returns n:int
ensures pts_to x #p 'vx ** pts_to y #q 'vy
        ** pure (n == max_spec 'vx 'vy)
    let mut result = 0;
    let vx = !x;
    let vy = !y;
    if (vx > vy)
     exists* r.
       pts_to x #p 'vx **
       pts_to y #q 'vy **
       pts_to result r **
       pure (r == max_spec 'vx 'vy)
        result := vx;
        result := vy;

We are working on adding inference for non-tail conditionals.

Pattern matching with nullable references

To illustrate the use of pattern matching, consider the following representation of a possibly null reference.

let nullable_ref a = option (ref a)

let pts_to_or_null #a
        (x:nullable_ref a) 
        (#[default_arg (`1.0R)] p:perm) //implicit argument with a default
        (v:option a)
: vprop
= match x with
  | None -> pure (v == None)
  | Some x -> exists* w. pts_to x #p w ** pure (v == Some w)

Representation predicate

We can represent a nullable ref as just an option (ref a) coupled with a representation predicate, pts_to_or_null. A few points to note:

  • The notation (#[default_arg (\`1.0R)] p:perm) is F* syntax for an implicit argument which when omitted defaults to 1.0R—this is exactly how predicates like Pulse.Lib.Reference.pts_to are defined.

  • The definition is by cases: if the reference x is None, then the logical witness is None too.

  • Otherwise, the underlying reference points to some value w and the logical witness v == Some w agrees with that value.

Note, one might consider defining it this way:

let pts_to_or_null #a
     (x:nullable_ref a)
     (#[default_arg (`1.0R)] p:perm)
     (v:option a)
: vprop
= match x with
  | None -> pure (v == None)
  | Some x -> pure (Some? v) ** pts_to x #p (Some?.v v)

However, unlike F*’s conjunction p /\ q where the well-typedness of q can rely on p, the ** operator is not left-biased; so (Some?.v v) cannot be proven in this context and the definition is rejected.

Another style might be as follows:

let pts_to_or_null #a
     (x:nullable_ref a)
     (#[default_arg (`1.0R)] p:perm)
     (v:option a)
: vprop
= match x, v with
  | None, None -> emp
  | Some x, Some w -> pts_to x #p w
  | _ -> pure False

This could also work, though it would require handling an additional (impossible) case.

Reading a nullable ref

Let’s try our first pattern match in Pulse:

fn read_nullable #a #p (r:nullable_ref a)
requires pts_to_or_null r #p 'v
returns o:option a
ensures pts_to_or_null r #p 'v
        ** pure ('v == o)
    match r {
     Some x -> {
        rewrite each r as (Some x);
        unfold (pts_to_or_null (Some x) #p 'v);
        let o = !x;
        fold (pts_to_or_null (Some x) #p 'v);
        rewrite each (Some x) as r;
        Some o
     None -> {
        rewrite each r as None;
        unfold (pts_to_or_null None #p 'v);
        fold (pts_to_or_null None #p 'v);
        rewrite each (None #(ref a)) as r;
        None #a

The syntax of pattern matching in Pulse is more imperative and Rust-like than what F* uses.

  • The entire body of match is enclosed within braces

  • Each branch is also enclosed within braces.

  • Pulse (for now) only supports simple patterns with a single top-level constructor applied to variables, or variable patterns: e.g., you cannot write Some (Some x) as a pattern.

The type of read_nullable promises to return a value equal to the logical witness of its representation predicate.

The code is a little tedious—we’ll see how to clean it up a bit shortly.

A show_proof_state in the Some x branch prints the following:

- Current context:
    pts_to_or_null r (reveal 'v)
- In typing environment:
    [branch equality#684 : squash (eq2 r (Some x)),

The interesting part is the branch equality hypothesis, meaning that in this branch, we can assume that (r == Some x). So, the first thing we do is to rewrite r; then we unfold the representation predicate; read the value o out of x; fold the predicate back; rewrite in the other direction; and return Some o. The None case is similar.

Another difference between Pulse and F* matches is that Pulse does not provide any negated path conditions. For example, in the example below, the assertion fails, since the pattern is only a wildcard and the Pulse checker does not prove not (Some? x) as the path condition hypothesis for the preceding branches not taken.

fn read_nullable_alt #a #p (r:nullable_ref a)
requires pts_to_or_null r #p 'v
returns o:option a
ensures emp
    match r {
     Some x -> { admit () }
     _ -> { 
        // we only have `r == _` in scope
        // not the negation of the prior branch conditions
        // i.e., unlike F*, we don't have not (Some? r)
        // so the assertion below fails
        assert (pure (r == None)); 
        admit() }

We plan to enhance the Pulse checker to also provide these negated path conditions.


When a vprop is defined by cases (like pts_to_or_null) it is very common to have to reason according to those cases when pattern matching. Instead of rewriting, unfolding, folding, and rewriting every time, one can define helper functions to handle these cases.

fn elim_pts_to_or_null_none #a #p (r:nullable_ref a)
requires pts_to_or_null r #p 'v ** pure (r == None)
ensures pts_to_or_null r #p 'v ** pure ('v == None)
    rewrite each r as None;
    unfold (pts_to_or_null None #p 'v);
    fold (pts_to_or_null None #p 'v);
    rewrite each (None #(ref a)) as r;

fn intro_pts_to_or_null_none #a #p (r:nullable_ref a)
requires pure (r == None)
ensures pts_to_or_null r #p None
    fold (pts_to_or_null #a None #p None);
    rewrite each (None #(ref a)) as r;

fn elim_pts_to_or_null_some #a #p (r:nullable_ref a) (x:ref a)
requires pts_to_or_null r #p 'v ** pure (r == Some x)
ensures exists* w. pts_to x #p w ** pure ('v == Some w)
    rewrite each r as (Some x);
    unfold (pts_to_or_null (Some x) #p 'v);

fn intro_pts_to_or_null_some #a #p (r:nullable_ref a) (x:ref a)
requires pts_to x #p 'v ** pure (r == Some x)
ensures pts_to_or_null r #p (Some 'v)
    fold (pts_to_or_null (Some x) #p (Some 'v));
    rewrite each (Some x) as r;

These functions are all marked ghost, indicating that they are purely for proof purposes only.

Writing these helpers is often quite mechanical: One could imagine that the Pulse checker could automatically generate them from the definition of pts_to_or_null. Using F*’s metaprogramming support, a user could also auto-generate them in a custom way. For now, we write them by hand.

Using the helpers, case analyzing a nullable reference is somewhat easier:

fn read_nullable_alt #a #p (r:nullable_ref a)
requires pts_to_or_null r #p 'v
returns o:option a
ensures pts_to_or_null r #p 'v
        ** pure ('v == o)
    match r {
     Some x -> {
        elim_pts_to_or_null_some r x;
        let o = !x;
        intro_pts_to_or_null_some r x;
        Some o
     None -> {
        elim_pts_to_or_null_none r;
        None #a

Writing a nullable reference

Having defined our helpers, we can use them repeatedly. For example, here is a function to write a nullable reference.

fn write_nullable #a (r:nullable_ref a) (v:a)
requires pts_to_or_null r 'v
ensures exists* w. pts_to_or_null r w ** pure (Some? r ==> w == Some v)
    match r {
     None -> { () }
     Some x -> {
        elim_pts_to_or_null_some r x;
        x := v;
        intro_pts_to_or_null_some r x;