Mutable References

Pulse aims to support programming with explicit control over memory management and without need for a garbage collector, similar to languages like C or Rust, but, of course, in a proof-oriented style. Towards that end, one of the main features it offers (especially in comparison to purely functional F*) is support for references to mutable memory that can be both allocated and reclaimed.

In this chapter, we’ll learn about three kinds of mutable references: stack references, heap references (or boxes), and ghost references. Stack references point to memory allocated in the stack frame of the current function (in which case the memory is reclaimed when the function returns). Heap references, or boxes, point to memory locations in the heap, and heap memory is explicitly reclaimed by calling drop or free. Ghost references are for specification and proof purposes only and point to memory locations that do not really exist at runtime.

ref t: Stack or Heap References

Most of the operations on mutable references are agnostic to whether the memory referenced resides on the stack or the heap—the main difference is that stack references are allocated in a scope and implicitly reclaimed when they go out of scope; whereas heap references are explicitly allocated and deallocated.

The type Pulse.Lib.Reference.ref t is the basic type of a mutable reference. We have already seen ref t used in the incr function of the previous section. We show below another common function to swap the contents of two references:

fn swap #a (r0 r1:ref a)
requires pts_to r0 'v0 ** pts_to r1 'v1
ensures pts_to r0 'v1 ** pts_to r1 'v0
    let v0 = !r0;
    let v1 = !r1;
    r0 := v1;
    r1 := v0;

Reading a reference

Let’s start by taking a closer look at how dereferencing works in the function value_of below:

fn value_of (#a:Type) (r:ref a)
requires pts_to r 'v
returns v:a
ensures pts_to r 'v ** pure (v == 'v)

Its slightly more explicit form is shown below, where w:erased a is an erased value witnessing the current contents referenced by r.

fn value_of_explicit (#a:Type) (r:ref a) (#w:erased a)
requires pts_to r w
returns v:a
ensures pts_to r w ** pure (v == reveal w)

Notice how the precondition requires pts_to r w while the postcondition retains pts_to r w, along with the property that v == reveal w, i.e., the type proves that if we read the reference the value we get is equal to the logical witness provided.

Erased values are for specification and proof only

The logical witness is an erased value, so one cannot directly use it in a non-ghost computation. For example, if instead of reading the reference, we attempt to just return reveal w, the code fails to check with the error shown below.

fn value_of_explicit_fail (#a:Type) (r:ref a) (#w:erased a)
requires pts_to r w
returns v:a
ensures pts_to r w ** pure (v == reveal w)
    reveal w
Expected a Total computation, but got Ghost

Writing through a reference

The function assign below shows how to mutate the contents of a reference—the specification shows that when the function returns, r points to the assigned value v.

fn assign (#a:Type) (r:ref a) (v:a)
requires pts_to r 'v
ensures pts_to r v
    r := v;

Dereferencing is explicit

Unlike languages like C or Rust which make a distinction between l-values and r-values and implicitly read the content of references, in Pulse (like in OCaml), references are explicitly dereferenced. [1] As the program below illustrates, references themselves can be passed to other functions (e.g., as in/out-parameters) while their current values must be passed explicitly.

The function add takes both a reference r:ref int and a value n:int as arguments:

fn add (r:ref int) (n:int)
requires pts_to r 'v
ensures pts_to r ('v + n)
    let v = !r;
    r := v + n;

Meanwhile, the function quadruple calls add twice to double the value stored in r each time.

fn quadruple (r:ref int)
requires pts_to r 'v
ensures pts_to r (4 * 'v)
    let v1 = !r;
    add r v1;
    let v2 = !r;
    add r v2;

Inspecting the proof state

A Pulse program is checked one stateful operation at a time, “pushing through” the vprop assertions starting with the precondition, until the end of function’s body. The inferred vprop at the exit of a function must match the annotated postcondition. Along the way, the Pulse checker will make several calls to the SMT solver to prove that, say, pts_to x (v + v) is equal to pts_to x (2 * v).

At each point in the program, the Pulse checker maintains a proof state, which has two components:

  • A typing environment, binding variables in scope to their types, including some refinement types that reflect properties about those variables in scope, e.g., x:int; y:erased int; _:squash (x == reveal y).

  • A separation logic context, called just “the context”, or sometimes “the vprop context”. The context contains all known facts about the current state of the program.

Pulse provides a command called show_proof_state that allows the user to inspect the proof state at a particular program point, aborting the Pulse checker at that point. It’s quite common when developing a Pulse program to repeatedly inspect the proof state and to advance it by a single or just a few steps at a time. This makes the experience of developing a Pulse program quite interactive, similar perhaps to writing tactics in F* or other languages. Except, in Pulse, one incrementally writes an imperative program together with its proof of correctness.

Here below is the quadruple program again, with the proof states annotated at each point, and a show_proof_state command in the middle.

fn quadruple (r:ref int)
requires pts_to r 'v
ensures pts_to r (4 * 'v)
    let v1 = !r; // Env=v1:int; _:squash (v1 == 'v)       Ctxt= pts_to r v1
    add r v1;    // ...                                   Ctxt= pts_to r (v1 + v1)
    let v2 = !r; // Env=...; v2:int; _:squash(v2==v1+v1)  Ctxt= pts_to r v2 
    add r v2;    // Env=...                               Ctxt= pts_to r (v2 + v2)
                 // ..                                    Ctxt= pts_to r (4 * 'v)

The output from show_proof_state is shown below:

- Current context:
    pts_to r (reveal (hide v1) + v1) **
- In typing environment:
    [_#5 : unit,
    _#4 : squash (reveal 'v == v1),
    v1#3 : int,
    'v#2 : erased int,
    r#1 : ref int]

The comments show how the proof state evolves after each command.

  • Pulse typechecks each step of a program by checking the current assumptions in the proof state are sufficient to prove the precondition of that step, ensuring that all unused permissions are retained in the context—using the frame rule, discussed in the previous section. Given a context that is equivalent to p ** q, if p is sufficient to prove goal, then p is called the support for goal, while q is the frame.

  • Like F*, Pulse tries to instantiate implicit arguments automatically, e.g., at the second call to add, Pulse automatically instantiates 'v to v2.

  • Pulse automatically moves any pure p property in the vprop context to a squash p hypothesis in the typing environment. Pulse also proves pure properties automatically, by sending queries to the SMT solver, which can make use of the hypothesis in the typing environment only.

  • Pulse also uses the SMT solver to convert pts_to r (v2 + v2) to pts_to r (4 * 'v).

Stateful commands are explicitly sequenced

Pulse expects the results of all stateful operations to be explicitly let-bound. For example, the following code fails to type check:

fn quad_fail (r:ref int)
requires pts_to r 'v
ensures pts_to r (4 * 'v)
    add r (!r);
    add r (!r);
- Expected type "int"; but "!r" has type
  "stt int
       (pts_to r (reveal (*?u93*) _))
       (fun x -> pts_to r x ** pure (reveal (*?u93*) _ == x))"

The error points to the first occurrence of (!r). The message is admittedly cryptic and should be improved. As we’ll see in a later chapter, the type stt _ _ _ is the type of an unevaluated Pulse computation—this error complains that add expected an argument of type int but instead got an unevaluated computation.

Fractional Permissions

Pulse distinguishes read-only references from read/write references. As in languages like Rust, Pulse ensures that there can be at most one thread that holds read/write permission to a reference, although many threads can share read-only references. This ensures that Pulse programs are free of data races. At a more abstract level, Pulse’s permission system ensures that one can reason locally about the contents of memory, since if one holds read/write permission to a reference, one can be sure that its contents cannot be changed by some part of the program.

To implement this permission discipline, Pulse uses a system of fractional permissions, an idea due to John Boyland. In particular, the pts_to predicate that we have been using actually has an additional implicit arguments that describes how much permission one holds on a reference.

The full type of the pts_to predicate is shown below:

val pts_to (#a:Type u#0) (r:ref a) (#p:perm) (v:a) : vprop

We have so far been writing pts_to r v instead of pts_to #a r #p v. Usually, one does not need to write the first argument #a since it is computed by type inference; the #p:perm argument is more interesting—when omitted, it defaults to the value 1.0R. The type perm (defined in PulseCore.FractionalPermission) is a real number strictly greater than 0.0R and less than or equal to 1.0R.

The pts_to r #1.0R v represents exclusive, read/write permission on a reference. Revisiting the assign function from previously, we can write down the permissions explicitly.

fn assign_full_perm (#a:Type) (r:ref a) (v:a)
requires pts_to r #1.0R 'v
ensures pts_to r #1.0R v
    r := v;

In contrast, when reading a reference, any permission p will do, as shown below:

fn value_of_perm #a #p (r:ref a)
requires pts_to r #p 'v
returns v:a
ensures pts_to r #p 'v ** pure (v == 'v)

If we try to write to a reference without holding full permission on it, Pulse rejects the program, as shown below.

#push-options "--print_implicits"
fn assign_perm #a #p (r:ref a) (v:a) (#w:erased a)
requires pts_to r #p w
ensures pts_to r #p w
    r := v;
- Cannot prove:
    pts_to #a r #1.0R (reveal #a _)
- In the context:
    pts_to #a r #p (reveal #a w)

The full error message requires the F* option --print_implicits.

The functions share and gather allow one to divide and combine permissions on references, as shown below.

fn share_ref #a #p (r:ref a)
requires pts_to r #p 'v
ensures pts_to r #(p /. 2.0R) 'v ** pts_to r #(p /. 2.0R) 'v
    share r;
fn gather_ref #a (#p:perm) (r:ref a)
    pts_to r #(p /. 2.0R) 'v0 **
    pts_to r #(p /. 2.0R) 'v1
    pts_to r #p 'v0 **
    pure ('v0 == 'v1)
    gather r

The type of gather_ref has an additional interesting element: its postcondition proves that 'v0 == 'v1. That is, since x can point to at most one value, given two separate points-to assertions about x, allows one to conclude that the pointed-to witnesses are identical.

Stack references

let mut creates a new stack ref

To create a new ref t, one uses the let mut construct of Pulse, as shown below.

fn one ()
requires emp
returns v:int
ensures pure (v == 1)
                   //     .     |- emp
    let mut i = 0; // i:ref int |- pts_to i 0
    incr i;        // i:ref int |- pts_to i (0 + 1)
    !i             //      .    |- v:int. emp ** pure (v == 1) 


The body of the program is annotated to show program assertions that are true after each command.

  • Initially, only the precondition emp is valid.

  • After let mut i = 0, we have i : ref int and pts_to i 0, meaning that i points to a stack slot that holds the value 0.

  • After calling incr i, we have pts_to i (0 + 1)

  • Finally, we dereference i using !i and return v:int the current value of i.

  • At the point where the scope of a let mut x ends, the Pulse checker requires that the context contains pts_to x #1.0R _v for some value _v. This ensures that the code cannot squirrel away a permission to the soon-to-be out-of-scope reference in some other permission. Once the scope ends, and the memory it points to is reclaimed, and the pts_to x #1.0R _v is consumed.

A few additional points to note here:

  • Pulse proves pure properties automatically, by sending queries to the SMT solver.

  • Pulse simplifies vprop implicitly, e.g., Pulse will automatically rewrite emp ** p to p.

  • Like F*, Pulse tries to instantiate implicit arguments automatically, e.g., at the call to incr, Pulse automatically instantiates 'v to 0 (actually, to hide 0).

Stack references are scoped and implicitly reclaimed

To emphasize that stack references allocated with let mut are scoped, let’s look at the program below that Pulse refuses to check:

fn refs_are_scoped ()
requires emp
returns s:ref int
ensures pts_to s 0
    let mut s = 0;

The error points to the location of s with the message below, meaning that the current assertion on the heap is only emp, while the goal to be proven for the postcondition is pts_to s 0. In other words, we no longer have ownership on s once it goes out of scope.

- Cannot prove:
    pts_to s 0
- In the context:

Heap references

The type t is the type of heap references—the name is meant to evoke Rust’s type of heap references, Box<T>. We use the module alias Box in what follows:

module Box = Pulse.Lib.Box

The Box module provides most of the same predicates and functions that we have with regular references, including pts_to, (!), (:=), share, and gather. Additionally, heap references are explicitly allocated using alloc and deallocated using free, as shown below.

fn new_heap_ref (#a:Type) (v:a)
requires emp
returns a
ensures Box.pts_to r v
    Box.alloc v

Note, we can return a freshly allocated heap reference from a function, unlike a let mut scoped, stack-allocated reference.

In the following example, we use open Box; to open the namespace Box in the following scope.

fn last_value_of #a ( a)
requires Box.pts_to r 'v
returns v:a
ensures pure (v == 'v)
    open Box;
    let v = !r;
    free r;

box t references can be demoted to regular ref t references for code reuse. For example, in the code below, we increment the contents of r:box int by first calling Box.to_ref_pts_to to convert Box.pts_to r 'v to a regular pts_to (box_to_ref r) 'v; then calling incr (box_to_ref r); and then converting back to a Box.pts_to.

fn incr_box ( int)
requires Box.pts_to r 'v
ensures Box.pts_to r ('v + 1)
    Box.to_ref_pts_to r;     //Box.pts_to (box_to_ref r) 'v
    incr (Box.box_to_ref r); //pts_to (box_to_ref r) ('v + 1)
    Box.to_box_pts_to r      //Box.pts_to r ('v + 1)

Finally, unlike Rust’s Box<T> type, which is always treated linearly (i.e., in Rust, one always holds exclusive read/write permission on a ` Box<T>), in Pulse, Box.pts_to r #p v has an implicit fractional permission as with regular references.

Ghost references