Computational Effects

All the programs we’ve considered so far have been pure, which is to say that only thing that can be observed about a program by its context is the value that the program returns—the inner workings of the program (e.g., whether it multiplies two numbers by repeated addition or by using a primitive operation for multiplication) cannot influence the behavior of its context. That is, pure terms can be reasoned about like pure mathematical functions. [1]

However, many practical programs exhibit behaviors that are beyond just their output. For example, they may mutate some global state, or they may read and write files, or receive or send messages over the network—such behaviors are often called side effects, computational effects, or just effects.

In this section, we look at F*’s effect system which allows users to

  • Model the semantics of various kinds of effects, e.g., mutable state, input/output, concurrency, etc.

  • Develop reasoning principles that enable building proofs of various properties of effectful programs

  • Simplify effectful program construction by encapsulating the semantic model and reasoning principles within an abstraction that allows users to write programs in F*’s native syntax while behind the scenes, for reasoning and execution purposes, programs are elaborated into the semantic model

Aside from user-defined effects, F*’s also supports the following primitive effects:

  • Ghost: An effect which describes which parts of a program have no observable behavior at all, and do not even influence the result returned by the program. This allows optimizing a program by erasing the parts of a program that are computationally irrelevant.

  • Divergence: An effect that encapsulates computations which may run forever. Potentially divergent computations cannot be used as proofs (see termination) and the effect system ensures that this is so.

  • Partiality: Partial functions are only defined over a subset of their domain. F* provides primitive support for partial functions as an effect. Although currently primitive, in the future, we hope to remove the special status of partial functions and make partial functions a user-defined notion too.