Understanding how F* uses Z3

As we have seen throughout, F* relies heavily on the Z3 SMT (Satifiability Modulo Theories) solver for proof automation. Often, on standalone examples at the scale covered in earlier chapters, the automation just works out of the box, but as one builds larger developments, proof automation can start becoming slower or unpredictable—at that stage, it becomes important to understand how F*’s encoding to SMT works to better control proofs.

At the most abstract level, one should realize that finding proofs in the SMT logic F* uses (first-order logic with uninterpreted functions and arithmetic) is an undecidable problem. As such, F* and the SMT solver relies on various heuristics and partial decision procedures, and a solver like Z3 does a remarkable job of being able to effectively solve the very large problems that F* presents to it, despite the theoretical undecidability. That said, the proof search that Z3 uses is computationally expensive and can be quite sensitive to the choice of heuristics and syntactic details of problem instances. As such, if one doesn’t chose the heuristics well, a small change in a query presented to Z3 can cause it to take a different search path, perhaps causing a proof to not be found at all, or to be found after consuming a very different amount of resources.

Some background and resources:

  • F*’s SMT encoding uses the SMT-LIB v2 language. We refer to the “SMT-LIB v2” language as SMT2.

  • Alejandro Aguirre wrote a tech report describing work in progress towards formalizing F*’s SMT encoding.

  • Michal Moskal’s Programming with Triggers describes how to pick triggers for quantifier instantiation and how to debug and profile the SMT solver, in the context of Vcc and the relation Hypervisor Verification project.

  • Leonardo de Moura and Nikolaj Bjorner describe how E-matching is implemented in Z3 (at least circa 2007).

A Primer on SMT2

SMT2 is a standardized input language supported by many SMT solvers. Its syntax is based on S-expressions, inspired by languages in the LISP family. We review some basic elements of its syntax here, particularly the parts that are used by F*’s SMT encoding.

  • Multi-sorted logic

    The logic provided by the SMT solver is multi-sorted: the sorts provide a simple type system for the logic, ensuring, e.g., that terms from two different sorts can never be equal. A user can define a new sort T, as shown below:

    (declare-sort T)

    Every sort comes with a built-in notion of equality. Given two terms p and q of the same sort T, (= p q) is a term of sort Bool expressing their equality.

  • Declaring uninterpreted functions

    A new function symbol F, with arguments in sorts sort_1 .. sort_n and returning a result in sort is declared as shown below,

    (declare-fun F (sort_1 ... sort_n) sort)

    The function symbol F is uninterpreted, meaning that the only information the solver has about F is that it is a function, i.e., when applied to equal arguments F produces equal results.

  • Theory symbols

    Z3 provides support for several theories, notably integer and real arithmetic. For example, on terms i and j of Int sort, the sort of unbounded integers, the following terms define the expected arithmetic functions:

    (+ i j)       ; addition
    (- i j)       ; subtraction
    (* i j)       ; multiplication
    (div i j)     ; Euclidean division
    (mod i j)     ; Euclidean modulus
  • Logical connectives

    SMT2 provides basic logical connectives as shown below, where p and q are terms of sort Bool

    (and p q)                ; conjunction
    (or p q)                 ; disjunction
    (not p)                  ; negation
    (implies p q)            ; implication
    (iff p q)                ; bi-implication

    SMT2 also provides support for quantifiers, where the terms below represent a term p with the variables x1 ... xn universally and existentially quantified, respectively.

    (forall ((x1 sort_1) ... (xn sort_n)) p)
    (exists ((x1 sort_1) ... (xn sort_n)) p)
  • Attribute annotations

    A term p can be decorated with attributes names a_1 .. a_n with values v_1 .. v_n using the following syntax—the ! is NOT to be confused with logical negation.

    (! p
       :a_1 v_1
       :a_n v_n)

    A common usage is with quantifiers, as we’ll see below, e.g.,

    (forall ((x Int))
            (! (implies (>= x 0) (f x))
               :qid some_identifier))
  • An SMT2 theory and check-sat

    An SMT2 theory is a collection of sort and function symbol declarations, and assertions of facts about them. For example, here’s a simple theory declaring a function symbol f and an assumption that f x y is equivalent to (>= x y)—note, unlike in F*, the assert keyword in SMT2 assumes that a fact is true, rather than checking that it is valid, i.e., assert in SMT2 is like assume in F*.

    (declare-fun f (Int Int) Bool)
    (assert (forall ((x Int) (y Int))
                    (iff (>= y x) (f x y))))

    In the context of this theory, one can ask whether some facts about f are valid. For example, to check if f is a transitive function, one asserts the negation of the transitivity property for f and then asks Z3 to check (using the (check-sat) directive) if the resulting theory is satisfiable.

    (assert (not (forall ((x Int) (y Int) (z Int))
                         (implies (and (f x y) (f y z))
                                  (f x z)))))

    In this case, Z3 very quickly responds with unsat, meaning that there are no models for the theory that contain an interpretation of f compatible with both assertions, or, equivalently, the transitivity of f is true in all models. That is, we expect successful queries to return unsat.

A Brief Tour of F*’s SMT Encoding

Consider the following simple F* code:

let id x = x
let f (x:int) =
   if x < 0
   then assert (- (id x) >= 0)
   else assert (id x >= 0)

To encode the proof obligation of this program to SMT, F* generates an SMT2 file with the following rough shape.

;; Some basic scaffoling

(declare-sort Term)

;; Encoding of some basic modules

(declare-fun Prims.bool () Term)

;; Encoding of background facts about the current module

(declare-fun id (Term) Term)
(assert (forall ((x Term)) (= (id x) x)))

;; Encoding the query, i.e., negated proof obligation

(assert (not (forall ((x Term))
                     (and (implies (lt x 0) (geq (minus (M.id x)) 0))
                          (implies (not (lt x 0)) (geq (M.id x) 0))))))


;; Followed by some instrumentation for error reporting
;; in case the check-sat call fails (i.e., does not return unsat)

That was just just to give you a rough idea—the details of F*’s actual SMT encoding are a bit different, as we’ll see below.

To inspect F*’s SMT encoding, we’ll work through several small examples and get F* to log the SMT2 theories that it generates. For this, we’ll use the file shown below as a skeleton, starting with the #push-options "--log_queries" directive, which instructs F* to print out its encoding to .smt2 file. The force_a_query definition at the end ensures that F* actually produces at least one query—without it, F* sends nothing to the Z3 and so prints no output in the .smt2 file. If you run fstar.exe SMTEncoding.fst on the command line, you will find a file queries-SMTEncoding.smt2 in the current directory.

module SMTEncoding
open FStar.Mul
#push-options "--log_queries"
let false_boolean = false
let true_boolean = true

let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat =
  if n = 0 then 1
  else n * factorial (n - 1)

let id (x:Type0) = x
let force_a_query = assert (id True)

Even for a tiny module like this, you’ll see that the .smt2 file is very large. That’s because, by default, F* always includes the modules prims.fst, FStar.Pervasives.Native.fst, and FStar.Pervasives.fsti as dependences of other modules. Encoding these modules consumes about 150,000 lines of SMT2 definitions and comments.

The encoding of each module is delimited in the .smt2 file by comments of the following kind:

;;; Start module Prims
;;; End module Prims (1334 decls; total size 431263)

;;; Start module FStar.Pervasives.Native
;;; End module FStar.Pervasives.Native (2643 decls; total size 2546449)

;;; Start interface FStar.Pervasives
;;; End interface FStar.Pervasives (2421 decls; total size 1123058)

where each End line also describes the number of declarations in the module and its length in characters.

Term sort

Despite SMT2 being a multi-sorted logic, aside from the pervasive use the SMT sort Bool, F*’s encoding to SMT (mostly) uses just a single sort: every pure (or ghost) F* term is encoded to the SMT solver as an instance of an uninterpreted SMT sort called Term. This allows the encoding to be very general, handling F*’s much richer type system, rather than trying to map F*’s complex type system into the much simpler type system of SMT sorts.


One of the most primitive sorts in the SMT solver is Bool, the sort of Booleans. All the logical connectives in SMT are operations on the Bool sort. To encode values of the F* type bool to SMT, we use the Bool sort, but since all F* terms are encoded to the Term sort, we “box” the Bool sort to promote it to Term, using the SMT2 definitions below.

(declare-fun BoxBool (Bool) Term)
(declare-fun BoxBool_proj_0 (Term) Bool)
(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Bool))
                   (! (= (BoxBool_proj_0 (BoxBool @u0))
                       :pattern ((BoxBool @u0))
                       :qid projection_inverse_BoxBool_proj_0))
            :named projection_inverse_BoxBool_proj_0))

This declares two uninterpreted functions BoxBool and BoxBool_proj_0 that go back and forth between the sorts Bool and Term.

The axiom named projection_inverse_BoxBool_proj_0 states that BoxBool_proj_0 is the inverse of BoxBool, or, equivalently, that BoxBool is an injective function from Bool to Term.

The qid is the quantifier identifier, usually equal to or derived from the name of the assumption that includes it—qids come up when we look at profiling quantifier instantiation.

Patterns for quantifier instantiation

The projection_inverse_BoxBool_proj_0 axiom on booleans shows our first use of a quantified formula with a pattern, i.e., the part that says :pattern ((BoxBool @u0)). These patterns are the main heuristic used to control the SMT solver’s proof search and will feature repeatedly in the remainder of this chapter.

When exploring a theory, the SMT solver has a current partial model which contains an assignment for some of the variables in a theory to ground terms. All the terms that appear in this partial model are called active terms and these active terms play a role in quantifier instantiation.

Each universally quantified formula in scope is a term of the form below:

(forall ((x1 s1) ... (xn sn))
        (! (  body  )
         :pattern ((p1) ... (pm))))

This quantified formula is inert and only plays a role in the solver’s search once the bound variables x1 ... xn are instantiated. The terms p1 ... pm are called patterns, and collectively, p1 ... pm must mention all the bound variables. To instantiate the quantifier, the solver aims to find active terms v1...vm that match the patterns p1..pm, where a match involves finding a substitution S for the bound variables x1...xm, such that the substituted patterns S(p1...pm) are equal to the active terms v1..vm. Given such a substitution, the substituted term S(body) becomes active and may refine the partial model further.

Existentially quantified formulas are dual to universally quantified formulas. Whereas a universal formula in the context (i.e., in negative position, or as a hypothesis) is inert until its pattern is instantiated, an existential goal (or, in positive position) is inert until its pattern is instantiated. Existential quantifiers can be decorated with patterns that trigger instantiation when matched with active terms, just like universal quantifiers

Returning to projection_inverse_BoxBool_proj_0, what this means is that once the solver has an active term BoxBool b, it can instantiate the quantified formula to obtain (= (BoxBool_proj_0 (BoxBool b)) b).


The encoding of the F* type int is similar to that of bool—the primitive SMT sort Int (of unbounded mathematical integers) are coerced to Term using the injective function BoxInt.

(declare-fun BoxInt (Int) Term)
(declare-fun BoxInt_proj_0 (Term) Int)
(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Int))
                   (! (= (BoxInt_proj_0 (BoxInt @u0))
                      :pattern ((BoxInt @u0))
                      :qid projection_inverse_BoxInt_proj_0))
           :named projection_inverse_BoxInt_proj_0))

The primitive operations on integers are encoded by unboxing the arguments and boxing the result. For example, here’s the encoding of Prims.(+), the addition operator on integers.

(declare-fun Prims.op_Addition (Term Term) Term)
(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term) (@x1 Term))
                   (! (= (Prims.op_Addition @x0
                         (BoxInt (+ (BoxInt_proj_0 @x0)
                                    (BoxInt_proj_0 @x1))))
                      :pattern ((Prims.op_Addition @x0
                      :qid primitive_Prims.op_Addition))
         :named primitive_Prims.op_Addition))

This declares an uninterpreted function Prims.op_Addition, a binary function on Term, and an assumption relating it to the SMT primitive operator from the integer arithmetic theory (+). The pattern allows the SMT solver to instantiate this quantifier for every active application of the Prims.op_Addition.

The additional boxing introduces some overhead, e.g., proving x + y == y + x in F* amounts to proving Prims.op_Addition x y == Prims.op_Addition y x in SMT2. This in turn involves instantiation quantifiers, then reasoning in the theory of linear arithmetic, and finally using the injectivity of the BoxInt function to conclude. However, this overhead is usually not perceptible, and the uniformity of encoding everything to a single Term sort simplifies many other things. Nevertheless, F* provides a few options to control the way integers and boxed and unboxed, described ahead.


Consider the F* function below:

let add3 (x y z:int) : int = x + y + z

Its encoding to SMT has several elements.

First, we have have a declaration of an uninterpreted ternary function on Term.

(declare-fun SMTEncoding.add3 (Term Term Term) Term)

The semantics of add3 is given using the assumption below, which because of the pattern on the quantifier, can be interpreted as a rewrite rule from left to right: every time the solver has SMTEncoding.add3 x y z as an active term, it can expand it to its definition.

(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term) (@x1 Term) (@x2 Term))
                   (! (= (SMTEncoding.add3 @x0
                         (Prims.op_Addition (Prims.op_Addition @x0
                    :pattern ((SMTEncoding.add3 @x0
                    :qid equation_SMTEncoding.add3))

         :named equation_SMTEncoding.add3))

In addition to its definition, F* encodes the type of add3 to the solver too, as seen by the assumption below. One of the key predicates of F*’s SMT encoding is HasType, which relates a term to its type. The assumption typing_SMTEncoding.add3 encodes the typing of the application based on the typing hypotheses on the arguments.

(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term) (@x1 Term) (@x2 Term))
                   (! (implies (and (HasType @x0
                                    (HasType @x1
                                    (HasType @x2
                               (HasType (SMTEncoding.add3 @x0 @x1 @x2)
                      :pattern ((SMTEncoding.add3 @x0 @x1 @x2))
                 :qid typing_SMTEncoding.add3))
      :named typing_SMTEncoding.add3))

This is all we’d need to encode add3 if it was never used at higher order. However, F* treats functions values just like any other value and allows them to be passed as arguments to, or returned as results from, other functions. The SMT logic is, however, a first-order logic and functions like add3 are not first-class values. So, F* introduces another layer in the encoding to model higher-order functions, but we don’t cover this here.

Recursive functions and fuel

Non-recursive functions are similar to macro definitions—F* just encodes encodes their semantics to the SMT solver as a rewrite rule. However, recursive functions, since they could be unfolded indefinitely, are not so simple. Let’s look at the encoding of the factorial function shown below.

open FStar.Mul
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat =
  if n = 0 then 1
  else n * factorial (n - 1)

First, we have, as before, an uninterpreted function symbol on Term and an assumption about its typing.

(declare-fun SMTEncoding.factorial (Term) Term)

(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term))
                   (! (implies (HasType @x0 Prims.nat)
                               (HasType (SMTEncoding.factorial @x0) Prims.nat))
                    :pattern ((SMTEncoding.factorial @x0))
                    :qid typing_SMTEncoding.factorial))
         :named typing_SMTEncoding.factorial))

However, to define the semantics of factorial we introduce a second “fuel-instrumented” function symbol with an additional parameter of Fuel sort.

(declare-fun SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented (Fuel Term) Term)

The Fuel sort is declared at the very beginning of F*’s SMT encoding and is a representation of unary integers, with two constructors ZFuel (for zero) and SFuel f (for successor).

The main idea is to encode the definition of factorial guarded by patterns that only allow unfolding the definition if the fuel argument of factorial.fuel_instrumented is not zero, as shown below. Further, the assumption defining the semantics of factorial.fuel_instrumented is guarded by a typing hypothesis on the argument (HasType @x1 Prims.nat), since the recursive function in F* is only well-founded on nat, not on all terms. The :weight annotation is an SMT2 detail: setting it to zero ensures that the SMT solver can instantiate this quantifier as often as needed, so long as the the fuel instrumentation argument is non-zero. Notice that the equation peels off one application of SFuel, so that the quantifier cannot be repeatedly instantiated infinitely.

(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Fuel) (@x1 Term))
                   (! (implies (HasType @x1 Prims.nat)
                               (= (SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented (SFuel @u0) @x1)
                                  (let ((@lb2 (Prims.op_Equality Prims.int @x1 (BoxInt 0))))
                                       (ite (= @lb2 (BoxBool true))
                                            (BoxInt 1)
                                                        (Prims.op_Subtraction @x1 (BoxInt 1))))))))
                     :weight 0
                     :pattern ((SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented (SFuel @u0) @x1))
                     :qid equation_with_fuel_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented))
         :named equation_with_fuel_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented))

We also need an assumption that tells the SMT solver that the fuel argument, aside from controlling the number of unfoldings, is semantically irrelevant.

(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Fuel) (@x1 Term))
                   (! (= (SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented (SFuel @u0) @x1)
                         (SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented ZFuel @x1))
                    :pattern ((SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented (SFuel @u0) @x1))
                    :qid @fuel_irrelevance_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented))
         :named @fuel_irrelevance_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented))

And, finally, we relate the original function to its fuel-instrumented counterpart.

(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term))
                   (! (= (SMTEncoding.factorial @x0)
                         (SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented MaxFuel @x0))
                    :pattern ((SMTEncoding.factorial @x0))
                    :qid @fuel_correspondence_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented))
         :named @fuel_correspondence_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented))

This definition uses the constant MaxFuel. The value of this constant is determined by the F* options --initial_fuel n and --max_fuel m. When F* issues a query to Z3, it tries the query repeatedly with different values of MaxFuel ranging between n and m. Additionally, the option --fuel n sets both the initial fuel and max fuel to n.

This single value of MaxFuel controls the number of unfoldings of all recursive functions in scope. Of course, the patterns are arranged so that if you have a query involving, say, List.map, quantified assumptions about an unrelated recursive function like factorial should never trigger. Neverthless, large values of MaxFuel greatly increase the search space for the SMT solver. If your proof requires a setting greater than --fuel 2, and if it takes the SMT solver a long time to find the proof, then you should think about whether things could be done differently.

However, with a low value of fuel, the SMT solver cannot reason about recursive functions beyond that bound. For instance, the following fails, since the solver can unroll the definition only once to conclude that factorial 1 == 1 * factorial 0, but being unable to unfold factorial 0 further, the proof fails.

#push-options "--fuel 1"
let _ = assert (factorial 1 == 1) (* fails *)

As with regular functions, the rest of the encoding of recursive functions has to do with handling higher-order uses.

Inductive datatypes and ifuel

Inductive datatypes in F* allow defining unbounded structures and, just like with recursive functions, F* encodes them to SMT by instrumenting them with fuel, to prevent infinite unfoldings. Let’s look at a very simple example, an F* type of unary natural numbers.

type unat =
  | Z : unat
  | S : (prec:unat) -> unat

Although Z3 offers support for a built-in theory of datatypes, F* does not use it (aside for Fuel), since F* datatypes are more complex. Instead, F* rolls its own datatype encoding using uninterpreted functions and the encoding of unat begins by declaring these functions.

(declare-fun SMTEncoding.unat () Term)
(declare-fun SMTEncoding.Z () Term)
(declare-fun SMTEncoding.S (Term) Term)
(declare-fun SMTEncoding.S_prec (Term) Term)

We have one function for the type unat; one for each constructor (Z and S); and one “projector” for each argument of each constructor (here, only S_prec, corresponding to the F* projector S?.prec).

The type unat has its typing assumption, where Tm_type is the SMT encoding of the F* type Type—note F* does not encode the universe levels to SMT.

(assert (! (HasType SMTEncoding.unat Tm_type)
         :named kinding_SMTEncoding.unat@tok))

The constructor S_prec is assumed to be an inverse of S. If there were more than one argument to the constructor, each projector would project out only the corresponding argument, encoding that the constructor is injective on each of its arguments.

(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term))
                   (! (= (SMTEncoding.S_prec (SMTEncoding.S @x0)) @x0)
                    :pattern ((SMTEncoding.S @x0))
                    :qid projection_inverse_SMTEncoding.S_prec))
         :named projection_inverse_SMTEncoding.S_prec))

The encoding defines two macros is-SMTEncoding.Z and is-SMTEncoding.S that define when the head-constructor of a term is Z and S respectively. These two macros are used in the definition of the inversion assumption of datatypes, namely that given a term of type unat, one can conclude that its head constructor must be either Z or S. However, since the type unat is unbounded, we want to avoid applying this inversion indefinitely, so it uses a quantifier with a pattern that requires non-zero fuel to be triggered.

(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Fuel) (@x1 Term))
              (! (implies (HasTypeFuel (SFuel @u0) @x1 SMTEncoding.unat)
                          (or (is-SMTEncoding.Z @x1)
                              (is-SMTEncoding.S @x1)))
                 :pattern ((HasTypeFuel (SFuel @u0) @x1 SMTEncoding.unat))
                 :qid fuel_guarded_inversion_SMTEncoding.unat))
      :named fuel_guarded_inversion_SMTEncoding.unat))

Here, we see a use of HasTypeFuel, a fuel-instrumented version of the HasType we’ve seen earlier. In fact, (HasType x t) is just a macro for (HasTypeFuel MaxIFuel x t), where much like for recursive functions and fuel, the constant MaxIFuel is defined by the current value of the F* options --initial_ifuel, --max_ifuel, and --ifuel (where ifuel stands for “inversion fuel”).

The key bit in ensuring that the inversion assumption above is not indefinitely applied is in the structure of the typing assumptions for the data constructors. These typing assumptions come in two forms, introduction and elimination.

The introduction form for the S constructor is shown below. This allows deriving that S x has type unat from the fact that x itself has type unat. The pattern on the quantifier makes this goal-directed: if (HasTypeFuel @u0 (SMTEncoding.S @x1) SMTEncoding.unat) is already an active term, then the quantifer fires to make (HasTypeFuel @u0 @x1 SMTEncoding.unat) an active term, peeling off one application of the S constructor. If we were to use (HasTypeFuel @u0 @x1 SMTEncoding.unat) as the pattern, this would lead to an infinite quantifier instantiation loop, since every each instantiation would lead a new, larger active term that could instantiate the quantifier again. Note, using the introduction form does not vary the fuel parameter, since the the number of applications of the constructor S decreases at each instantiation anyway.

(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Fuel) (@x1 Term))
              (! (implies (HasTypeFuel @u0 @x1 SMTEncoding.unat)
                          (HasTypeFuel @u0 (SMTEncoding.S @x1) SMTEncoding.unat))
                 :pattern ((HasTypeFuel @u0 (SMTEncoding.S @x1) SMTEncoding.unat))
                 :qid data_typing_intro_SMTEncoding.S@tok))
         :named data_typing_intro_SMTEncoding.S@tok))

The elimination form allows concluding that the sub-terms of a well-typed application of a constructor are well-typed too. This time note that the conclusion of the rule decreases the fuel parameter by one. If that were not the case, then we would get a quantifier matching loop between data_elim_SMTEncoding.S and fuel_guarded_inversion_SMTEncoding.unat, since each application of the latter would contribute an active term of the form (HasTypeFuel (SFuel _) (S (S_prec x)) unat), allowing the former to be triggered again.

(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Fuel) (@x1 Term))
                   (! (implies (HasTypeFuel (SFuel @u0) (SMTEncoding.S @x1) SMTEncoding.unat)
                               (HasTypeFuel @u0 @x1 SMTEncoding.unat))
                    :pattern ((HasTypeFuel (SFuel @u0) (SMTEncoding.S @x1) SMTEncoding.unat))
                    :qid data_elim_SMTEncoding.S))
         :named data_elim_SMTEncoding.S))

A final important element in the encoding of datatypes has to do with the well-founded ordering used in termination proofs. The following states that if S x1 is well-typed (with non-zero fuel) then x1 precedes S x1 in F*’s built-in sub-term ordering.

(assert (! (forall ((@u0 Fuel) (@x1 Term))
                   (! (implies (HasTypeFuel (SFuel @u0)
                                            (SMTEncoding.S @x1)
                               (Valid (Prims.precedes Prims.lex_t Prims.lex_t
                                                      @x1 (SMTEncoding.S @x1))))
                    :pattern ((HasTypeFuel (SFuel @u0) (SMTEncoding.S @x1) SMTEncoding.unat))
                    :qid subterm_ordering_SMTEncoding.S))
      :named subterm_ordering_SMTEncoding.S))

Once again, a lot of the rest of the datatype encoding has to do with handling higher order uses of the constructors.

As with recursive functions, the single value of MaxIFuel controls the number of inversions of all datatypes in scope. It’s a good idea to try to use an ifuel setting that is as low as possible for your proofs, e.g., a value less than 2, or even 0, if possible. However, as with fuel, a value of ifuel that is too low will cause the solver to be unable to prove some facts. For example, without any ifuel, the solver cannot use the inversion assumption to prove that the head of x must be either S or Z, and F* reports the error “Patterns are incomplete”.

#push-options "--ifuel 0"
let rec as_nat (x:unat) : nat =
   match x with (* fails exhaustiveness check *)
   | S x -> 1 + as_nat x (* fails termination check *)
   | Z -> 0

Sometimes it is useful to let the solver arbitrarily invert an inductive type. The FStar.Pervasives.allow_inversion is a library function that enables this, as shown below. Within that scope, the ifuel guards on the unat type are no longer imposed and SMT can invert unat freely—F* accepts the code below.

#push-options "--ifuel 0"
let rec as_nat (x:unat) : nat =
   allow_inversion unat;
   match x with
   | S x -> 1 + as_nat x
   | Z -> 0

This can be useful sometimes, e.g., one could set the ifuel to 0 and allow inversion within a scope for only a few selected types, e.g., option. However, it is rarely a good idea to use allow_inversion on an unbounded type (e.g., list or even unat).

Logical Connectives

The logical connectives that F* offers are all derived forms. Given the encodings of datatypes and functions (and arrow types, which we haven’t shown), the encodings of all these connectives just fall out naturally. However, all these connectives also have built-in support in the SMT solver as part of its propositional core and support for E-matching-based quantifier instantiation. So, rather than leave them as derived forms, a vital optimization in F*’s SMT encoding is to recognize these connectives and to encode them directly to the corresponding forms in SMT.

The term p /\ q in F* is encoded to (and [[p]] [[q]]]) where [[p]] and [[q]] are the logical encodings of p and q respectively. However, the SMT connective and is a binary function on the SMT sort Bool, whereas all we have been describing so far is that every F* term p is encoded to the SMT sort Term. To bridge the gap, the logical encoding of a term p interprets the Term sort into Bool by using a function Valid p, which deems a p : Term to be valid if it is inhabited, as per the definitions below.

(declare-fun Valid (Term) Bool)
(assert (forall ((e Term) (t Term))
             (! (implies (HasType e t) (Valid t))
                :pattern ((HasType e t) (Valid t))
                :qid __prelude_valid_intro)))

The connectives p \/ q, p ==> q, p <==> q, and ~p are similar.

The quantified forms forall and exists are mapped to the corresponding quantifiers in SMT. For example,

let fact_positive = forall (x:nat). factorial x >= 1

is encoded to:

(forall ((@x1 Term))
        (implies (HasType @x1 Prims.nat)
                 (>= (BoxInt_proj_0 (SMTEncoding.factorial @x1))
                     (BoxInt_proj_0 (BoxInt 1)))))

Note, this quantifier does not have any explicitly annotated patterns. In this case, Z3’s syntactic trigger selection heuristics pick a pattern: it is usually the smallest collection of sub-terms of the body of the quantifier that collectively mention all the bound variables. In this case, the choices for the pattern are (SMTEncoding.factorial @x1) and (HasType @x1 Prims.nat): Z3 picks both of these as patterns, allowing the quantifier to be triggered if an active term matches either one of them.

For small developments, leaving the choice of pattern to Z3 is often fine, but as your project scales up, you probably want to be more careful about your choice of patterns. F* lets you write the pattern explicitly on a quantifier and translates it down to SMT, as shown below.

let fact_positive_2 = forall (x:nat).{:pattern (factorial x)} factorial x >= 1

This produces:

(forall ((@x1 Term))
        (! (implies (HasType @x1 Prims.nat)
                    (>= (BoxInt_proj_0 (SMTEncoding.factorial @x1))
                        (BoxInt_proj_0 (BoxInt 1))))
         :pattern ((SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented ZFuel @x1))))

Note, since factorial is fuel instrumented, the pattern is translated to an application that requires no fuel, so that the property also applies to any partial unrolling of factorial also.

Existential formulas are similar. For example, one can write:

let fact_unbounded = forall (n:nat). exists (x:nat). factorial x >= n

And it gets translated to:

(forall ((@x1 Term))
        (implies (HasType @x1 Prims.nat)
                 (exists ((@x2 Term))
                         (and (HasType @x2 Prims.nat)
                              (>= (BoxInt_proj_0 (SMTEncoding.factorial @x2))
                                  (BoxInt_proj_0 @x1))))))

Options for Z3 and the SMT Encoding

F* provides two ways of passing options to Z3.

The option --z3cliopt <string> causes F* to pass the string as a command-line option when starting the Z3 process. A typical usage might be --z3cliopt 'smt.random_seed=17'.

In contrast, --z3smtopt <string> causes F* to send the string to Z3 as part of its SMT2 output and this option is also reflected in the .smt2 file that F* emits with --log_queries. As such, it can be more convenient to use this option if you want to debug or profile a run of Z3 on an .smt2 file generated by F*. A typical usage would be --z3smtopt '(set-option :smt.random_seed 17)'. Note, it is possible to abuse this option, e.g., one could use --z3smtopt '(assert false)' and all SMT queries would trivially pass. So, use it with care.

F*’s SMT encoding also offers a few options.

  • --smtencoding.l_arith_repr native

This option requests F* to inline the definitions of the linear arithmetic operators (+ and -). For example, with this option enabled, F* encodes the term x + 1 + 2 as the SMT2 term below.

(BoxInt (+ (BoxInt_proj_0 (BoxInt (+ (BoxInt_proj_0 @x0)
                                     (BoxInt_proj_0 (BoxInt 1)))))
           (BoxInt_proj_0 (BoxInt 2))))
  • --smtencoding.elim_box true

This option is often useful in combination with smtencoding.l_arith_repr native, enables an optimization to remove redundant adjacent box/unbox pairs. So, adding this option to the example above, the encoding of x + 1 + 2 becomes:

(BoxInt (+ (+ (BoxInt_proj_0 @x0) 1) 2))
  • --smtencoding.nl_arith_repr [native|wrapped|boxwrap]

This option controls the representation of non-linear arithmetic functions (*, /, mod) in the SMT encoding. The default is boxwrap which uses the encoding of Prims.op_Multiply, Prims.op_Division, Prims.op_Modulus analogous to Prims.op_Addition.

The native setting is similar to the smtencoding.l_arith_repr native. When used in conjuction with smtencoding.elim_box true, the F* term x * 1 * 2 is encoded to:

(BoxInt (* (* (BoxInt_proj_0 @x0) 1) 2))

However, a third setting wrapped is also available with provides an intermediate level of wrapping. With this setting enabled, the encoding of x * 1 * 2 becomes

(BoxInt (_mul (_mul (BoxInt_proj_0 @x0) 1) 2))

where _mul is declared as shown below:

(declare-fun _mul (Int Int) Int)
(assert (forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (! (= (_mul x y) (* x y)) :pattern ((_mul x y)))))

Now, you may wonder why all these settings are useful. Surely, one would think, --smtencoding.l_arith_repr native --smtencoding.nl_arith_repr native --smtencoding.elim_box true is the best setting. However, it turns out that the additional layers of wrapping and boxing actually enable some proofs to go through, and, empirically, no setting strictly dominates all the others.

However, the following is a good rule of thumb if you are starting a new project:

  1. Consider using --z3smtopt '(set-option :smt.arith.nl false)'. This entirely disables support for non-linear arithmetic theory reasoning in the SMT solver, since this can be very expensive and unpredictable. Instead, if you need to reason about non-linear arithmetic, consider using the lemmas from FStar.Math.Lemmas to do the non-linear steps in your proof manually. This will be more painstaking, but will lead to more stable proofs.

  2. For linear arithmetic, the setting --smtencoding.l_arith_repr native --smtencoding.elim_box true is a good one to consider, and may yield some proof performance boosts over the default setting.

Designing a Library with SMT Patterns

In this section, we look at the design of FStar.Set, a module in the standard library, examining, in particular, its use of SMT patterns on lemmas for proof automation. The style used here is representative of the style used in many proof-oriented libraries—the interface of the module offers an abstract type, with some constructors and some destructors, and lemmas that relate their behavior.

To start with, for our interface, we set the fuel and ifuel both to zero—we will not need to reason about recursive functions or invert inductive types here.

module SimplifiedFStarSet
(** Computational sets (on eqtypes): membership is a boolean function *)
#set-options "--fuel 0 --ifuel 0"

Next, we introduce the signature of the main abstract type of this module, set:

val set (a:eqtype)
  : Type0

Sets offer just a single operation called mem that allows testing whether or not a given element is in the set.

val mem (#a:eqtype) (x:a) (s:set a)
  : bool

However, there are several ways to construct sets:

val empty (#a:eqtype)
  : set a

val singleton (#a:eqtype) (x:a)
  : set a

val union (#a:eqtype) (s0 s1: set a)
  : set a
val intersect (#a:eqtype) (s0 s1: set a)
  : set a
val complement (#a:eqtype) (s0:set a)
  : set a

Finally, sets are equipped with a custom equivalence relation:

val equal (#a:eqtype) (s0 s1:set a)
  : prop

The rest of our module offers lemmas that describe the behavior of mem when applied to each of the constructors.

val mem_empty (#a:eqtype) (x:a)
  : Lemma
    (ensures (not (mem x empty)))
    [SMTPat (mem x empty)]

val mem_singleton (#a:eqtype) (x y:a)
  : Lemma
    (ensures (mem y (singleton x) == (x=y)))
    [SMTPat (mem y (singleton x))]

val mem_union (#a:eqtype) (x:a) (s1 s2:set a)
  : Lemma
    (ensures (mem x (union s1 s2) == (mem x s1 || mem x s2)))
    [SMTPat (mem x (union s1 s2))]

val mem_intersect (#a:eqtype) (x:a) (s1:set a) (s2:set a)
  : Lemma
    (ensures (mem x (intersect s1 s2) == (mem x s1 && mem x s2)))
    [SMTPat (mem x (intersect s1 s2))]

val mem_complement (#a:eqtype) (x:a) (s:set a)
  : Lemma
    (ensures (mem x (complement s) == not (mem x s)))
    [SMTPat (mem x (complement s))]

Each of these lemmas should be intuitive and familiar. The extra bit to pay attention to is the SMTPat annotations on each of the lemmas. These annotations instruct F*’s SMT encoding to treat the lemma like a universal quantifier guarded by the user-provided pattern. For instance, the lemma mem_empty is encoded to the SMT solver as shown below.

(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term) (@x1 Term))
                   (! (implies (and (HasType @x0 Prims.eqtype)
                                    (HasType @x1 @x0))
                               (not (BoxBool_proj_0
                                       (SimplifiedFStarSet.mem @x0
                                                              (SimplifiedFStarSet.empty @x0)))))
                    :pattern ((SimplifiedFStarSet.mem @x0
                                                      (SimplifiedFStarSet.empty @x0)))
                    :qid lemma_SimplifiedFStarSet.mem_empty))
        :named lemma_SimplifiedFStarSet.mem_empty))

That is, from the perspective of the SMT encoding, the statement of the lemma mem_empty is analogous to the following assumption:

forall (a:eqtype) (x:a). {:pattern (mem x empty)} not (mem x empty)

As such, lemmas decorated with SMT patterns allow the user to inject new, quantified hypotheses into the solver’s context, where each of those hypotheses is justified by a proof in F* of the corresponding lemma. This allows users of the FStar.Set library to treat set almost like a new built-in type, with proof automation to reason about its operations. However, making this work well requires some careful design of the patterns.

Consider mem_union: the pattern chosen above allows the solver to decompose an active term mem x (union s1 s2) into mem x s1 and mem x s2, where both terms are smaller than the term we started with. Suppose instead that we had written:

val mem_union (#a:eqtype) (x:a) (s1 s2:set a)
  : Lemma
    (ensures (mem x (union s1 s2) == (mem x s1 || mem x s2)))
    [SMTPat (mem x s1); SMTPat (mem x s2)]

This translates to an SMT quantifier whose patterns are the pair of terms mem x s1 and mem x s2. This choice of pattern would allow the solver to instantiate the quantifier with all pairs of active terms of the form mem x s, creating more active terms that are themselves matching candidates. To be explicit, with a single active term mem x s, the solver would derive mem x (union s s), mem x (union s (union s s)), and so on. This is called a matching loop and can be disastrous for solver performance. So, carefully chosing the patterns on quantifiers and lemmas with SMTPat annotations is important.

Finally, to complete our interface, we provide two lemmas to characterize equal, the equivalence relation on sets. The first says that sets that agree on the mem function are equal, and the second says that equal sets are provably equal (==), and the patterns allow the solver to convert reasoning about equality into membership and provable equality.

val equal_intro (#a:eqtype) (s1 s2: set a)
  : Lemma
    (requires  (forall x. mem x s1 = mem x s2))
    (ensures (equal s1 s2))
    [SMTPat (equal s1 s2)]

val equal_elim (#a:eqtype) (s1 s2:set a)
  : Lemma
    (requires (equal s1 s2))
    (ensures  (s1 == s2))
    [SMTPat (equal s1 s2)]

Of course, all these lemmas can be easily proven by F* under a suitable representation of the abstract type set, as shown in the module implementation below.

module SimplifiedFStarSet
(** Computational sets (on eqtypes): membership is a boolean function *)
#set-options "--fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
open FStar.FunctionalExtensionality
module F = FStar.FunctionalExtensionality

let set (a:eqtype) = F.restricted_t a (fun _ -> bool)

(* destructors *)

let mem #a x s = s x

(* constructors *)
let empty #a = F.on_dom a (fun x -> false)
let singleton #a x = F.on_dom a (fun y -> y = x)
let union #a s1 s2 = F.on_dom a (fun x -> s1 x || s2 x)
let intersect #a s1 s2 = F.on_dom a (fun x -> s1 x && s2 x)
let complement #a s = F.on_dom a (fun x -> not (s x))

(* equivalence relation *)
let equal (#a:eqtype) (s1:set a) (s2:set a) = F.feq s1 s2

(* Properties *)
let mem_empty      #a x       = ()
let mem_singleton  #a x y     = ()
let mem_union      #a x s1 s2 = ()
let mem_intersect  #a x s1 s2 = ()
let mem_complement #a x s     = ()

(* extensionality *)
let equal_intro #a s1 s2 = ()
let equal_elim  #a s1 s2 = ()


Extend the set library with another constructor with the signature shown below:

val from_fun (#a:eqtype) (f: a -> bool) : Tot (set a)

and prove a lemma that shows that a an element x is in from_fun f if and only if f x = true, decorating the lemma with the appropriate SMT pattern.

This interface file and its implementation provides the definitions you need.


Look at FStar.Set.intension if you get stuck

Profiling Z3 and Solving Proof Performance Issues

At some point, you will write F* programs where proofs start to take much longer than you’d like: simple proofs fail to go through, or proofs that were once working start to fail as you make small changes to your program. Hopefully, you notice this early in your project and can try to figure out how to make it better before slogging through slow and unpredictable proofs. Contrary to the wisdom one often receives in software engineering where early optimization is discouraged, when developing proof-oriented libraries, it’s wise to pay attention to proof performance issues as soon as they come up, otherwise you’ll find that as you scale up further, proofs become so slow or brittle that your productivity decreases rapidly.

Query Statistics

Your first tool to start diagnosing solver performance is F*’s --query_stats option. We’ll start with some very simple artificial examples.

With the options below, F* outputs the following statistics:

#push-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 4 --ifuel 0 --query_stats"
let _ = assert (factorial 3 == 6)
(<input>(20,0-20,49))        Query-stats (SMTEncoding._test_query_stats, 1)  failed
   {reason-unknown=unknown because (incomplete quantifiers)} in 31 milliseconds
   with fuel 0 and ifuel 0 and rlimit 2723280
   statistics={mk-bool-var=7065 del-clause=242 num-checks=3 conflicts=5
               binary-propagations=42 arith-fixed-eqs=4 arith-pseudo-nonlinear=1
               propagations=10287 arith-assert-upper=21 arith-assert-lower=18
               decisions=11 datatype-occurs-check=2 rlimit-count=2084689
               arith-offset-eqs=2 quant-instantiations=208 mk-clause=3786
               minimized-lits=3 memory=21.41 arith-pivots=6 max-generation=5
               arith-conflicts=3 time=0.03 num-allocs=132027456 datatype-accessor-ax=3
               max-memory=21.68 final-checks=2 arith-eq-adapter=15 added-eqs=711}

(<input>(20,0-20,49))        Query-stats (SMTEncoding._test_query_stats, 1)  failed
   {reason-unknown=unknown because (incomplete quantifiers)} in 47 milliseconds
   with fuel 2 and ifuel 0 and rlimit 2723280
   statistics={mk-bool-var=7354 del-clause=350 arith-max-min=10 interface-eqs=3
               num-checks=4 conflicts=8 binary-propagations=56 arith-fixed-eqs=17
               arith-pseudo-nonlinear=3 arith-bound-prop=2 propagations=13767
               arith-assert-upper=46 arith-assert-lower=40 decisions=25
               datatype-occurs-check=5 rlimit-count=2107946 arith-offset-eqs=6
               quant-instantiations=326 mk-clause=4005 minimized-lits=4
               memory=21.51 arith-pivots=20 max-generation=5 arith-add-rows=34
               arith-conflicts=4 time=0.05 num-allocs=143036410 datatype-accessor-ax=5
               max-memory=21.78 final-checks=6 arith-eq-adapter=31 added-eqs=1053}

(<input>(20,0-20,49))        Query-stats (SMTEncoding._test_query_stats, 1)  succeeded
    in 48 milliseconds with fuel 4 and ifuel 0 and rlimit 2723280
    statistics={arith-max-min=26 num-checks=5 binary-propagations=70 arith-fixed-eqs=47
                arith-assert-upper=78 arith-assert-lower=71 decisions=40
                rlimit-count=2130332 max-generation=5 arith-nonlinear-bounds=2
                time=0.05 max-memory=21.78 arith-eq-adapter=53 added-eqs=1517
                mk-bool-var=7805 del-clause=805 interface-eqs=3 conflicts=16
                arith-pseudo-nonlinear=6 arith-bound-prop=4 propagations=17271
                datatype-occurs-check=5 arith-offset-eqs=20 quant-instantiations=481
                mk-clause=4286 minimized-lits=38 memory=21.23 arith-pivots=65
                arith-add-rows=114 arith-conflicts=5 num-allocs=149004462
                datatype-accessor-ax=9 final-checks=7}

There’s a lot of information here:

  • We see three lines of output, each tagged with a source location and an internal query identifer ((SMTEncoding._test_query_stats, 1), the first query for verifying _test_query_stats).

  • The first two attempts at the query failed, with Z3 reporting the reason for failure as unknown because (incomplete quantifiers). This is a common response from Z3 when it fails to prove a query—since first-order logic is undecidable, when Z3 fails to find a proof, it reports “unknown” rather than claiming that the theory is satisfiable. The third attempt succeeded.

  • The attempts used 0, 2, and 4 units of fuel. Notice that our query was factorial 3 == 6 and this clearly requires at least 4 units of fuel to succeed. In this case it didn’t matter much, since the two failed attempts took only 47 and 48 milliseconds. But, you may sometimes find that there are many attempts of a proof with low fuel settings and finally success with a higher fuel number. In such cases, you may try to find ways to rewrite your proof so that you are not relying on so many unrollings (if possible), or if you decide that you really need that much fuel, then setting the --fuel option to that value can help avoid several slow failures and retries.

  • The rest of the statistics report internal Z3 statistics.

    • The rlimit value is a logical resource limit that F* sets when calling Z3. Sometimes, as we will see shortly, a proof can be “cancelled” in case Z3 runs past this resource limit. You can increase the rlimit in this case, as we’ll see below.

    • Of the remaning statistics, perhaps the main one of interest is quant_instantiations. This records a cumulative total of quantifiers instantiated by Z3 so far in the current session—here, each attempt seems to instantiate around 100–150 quantifiers. This is a very low number, since the query is so simple. You may be wondering why it is even as many as that, since 4 unfolding of factorial suffice, but remember that there are many other quantifiers involved in the encoding, e.g., those that prove that BoxBool is injective etc. A more typical query will see quantifier instantiations in the few thousands.


Note, since the quant-instantiations metric is cumulative, it is often useful to precede a query with something like the following:

#push-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 4 --ifuel 0 --query_stats"
let _dummy = assert (factorial 0 == 1)

let _test_query_stats = assert (factorial 3 == 6)

The #restart-solver creates a fresh Z3 process and the dummy query “warms up” the process by feeding it a trivial query, which will run somewhat slow because of various initialization costs in the solver. Then, the query stats reported for the real test subject starts in this fresh session.

Working though a slow proof

Even a single poorly chosen quantified assumption in the prover’s context can make an otherwise simple proof take very long. To illustrate, consider the following variation on our example above:

assume Factorial_unbounded: forall (x:nat). exists (y:nat). factorial y > x

#push-options "--fuel 4 --ifuel 0 --query_stats"
let _test_query_stats = assert (factorial 3 == 6)

We’ve now introduced the assumption Factorial_unbounded into our context. Recall from the SMT encoding of quantified formulas, from the SMT solver’s perspective, this looks like the following:

(assert (! (forall ((@x0 Term))
                   (! (implies (HasType @x0 Prims.nat)
                               (exists ((@x1 Term))
                                       (! (and (HasType @x1 Prims.nat)
                                          (> (BoxInt_proj_0 (SMTEncoding.factorial @x1))
                                             (BoxInt_proj_0 @x0)))
                                        :qid assumption_SMTEncoding.Factorial_unbounded.1)))
                :qid assumption_SMTEncoding.Factorial_unbounded))
         :named assumption_SMTEncoding.Factorial_unbounded))

This quantifier has no explicit patterns, but Z3 picks the term (HasType @x0 Prims.nat) as the pattern for the forall quantifier. This means that it can instantiate the quantifier for active terms of type nat. But, a single instantiation of the quantifier, yields the existentially quantified formula. Existentials are immediately skolemized by Z3, i.e., the existentially bound variable is replaced by a fresh function symbol that depends on all the variables in scope. So, a fresh term a @x0 corresponding @x1 is introduced, and immediately, the conjunct HasType (a @x0) Prims.nat becomes an active term and can be used to instantiate the outer universal quantifier again. This “matching loop” sends the solver into a long, fruitless search and the simple proof about factorial 3 == 6 which previously succeeded in a few milliseconds, now fails. Here’s are the query stats:

(<input>(18,0-18,49))        Query-stats (SMTEncoding._test_query_stats, 1)  failed
  {reason-unknown=unknown because canceled} in 5647 milliseconds
  with fuel 4 and ifuel 0 and rlimit 2723280
  statistics={ ... quant-instantiations=57046 ... }

A few things to notice:

  • The failure reason is “unknown because canceled”. That means the solver reached its resource limit and halted the proof search. Usually, when you see “canceled” as the reason, you could try raising the rlimit, as we’ll see shortly.

  • The failure took 5.6 seconds.

  • There were 57k quantifier instantiations, as compared to just the 100 or so we had earlier. We’ll soon seen how to pinpoint which quantifiers were instantiated too much.

Increasing the rlimit

We can first retry the proof by giving Z3 more resources—the directive below doubles the resource limit given to Z3.

#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 2"

This time it took 14 seconds and failed. But if you try the same proof a second time, it succeeds. That’s not very satisfying.

Repeating Proofs with Quake

Although this is an artificial example, unstable proofs that work and then suddenly fail do happen. Z3 does guarantee that it is deterministic in a very strict sense, but even the smallest change to the input, e.g., a change in variable names, or even asking the same query twice in a succession in the same Z3 session, can result in different answers.

There is often a deeper root cause (in our case, it’s the Factorial_unbounded assumption, of course), but a first attempt at determining whether or not a proof is “flaky” is to use the F* option --quake.

#push-options "--quake 5/k"
let _test_query_stats = assert (factorial 3 == 6)

This tries the query 5 times and reports the number of successes and failures.

In this case, F* reports the following:

Quake: query (SMTEncoding._test_query_stats, 1) succeeded 4/5 times (best fuel=4, best ifuel=0)

If you’re working to stabilize a proof, a good criterion is to see if you can get the proof to go through with the --quake option.

You can also try the proof by varying the Z3’s random seed and checking that it works with several choices of the seed.

#push-options "--z3smtopt '(set-option :smt.random_seed 1)'"

Profiling Quantifier Instantiation

We have a query that’s taking much longer than we’d like and from the query-stats we see that there are a lot of quantifier instances. Now, let’s see how to pin down which quantifier is to blame.

  1. Get F* to log an .smt2 file, by adding the --log_queries option. It’s important to also add a #restart-solver before just before the definition that you’re interested in profiling.

    #push-options "--fuel 4 --ifuel 0 --query_stats --log_queries --z3rlimit_factor 2"
    let _test_query_stats = assert (factorial 3 == 6)

    F* reports the name of the file that it wrote as part of the query-stats. For example:

    (<input>(18,0-18,49)@queries-SMTEncoding-7.smt2)      Query-stats ...
  2. Now, from a terminal, you run Z3 on this generated .smt2 file, while passing it the following option and save the output in a file.

    z3 queries-SMTEncoding-7.smt2 smt.qi.profile=true > sample_qiprofile
  3. The output contains several lines that begin with [quantifier_instances], which is what we’re interested in.

    grep quantifier_instances sample_qiprofile | sort -k 4 -n

    The last few lines of output look like this:

    [quantifier_instances] bool_inversion :    352 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] bool_typing :    720 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] constructor_distinct_BoxBool :    720 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] projection_inverse_BoxBool_proj_0 :   1772 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] primitive_Prims.op_Equality :   2873 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] int_typing :   3168 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] constructor_distinct_BoxInt :   3812 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] typing_SMTEncoding.factorial :   5490 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] int_inversion :   5506 :  11 : 12
    [quantifier_instances] @fuel_correspondence_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented :   5746 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] Prims_pretyping_ae567c2fb75be05905677af440075565 :   5835 :  11 : 12
    [quantifier_instances] projection_inverse_BoxInt_proj_0 :   6337 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] primitive_Prims.op_Multiply :   6394 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] primitive_Prims.op_Subtraction :   6394 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] token_correspondence_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented :   7629 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] @fuel_irrelevance_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented :   9249 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] equation_with_fuel_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented :  13185 :  10 : 10
    [quantifier_instances] refinement_interpretation_Tm_refine_542f9d4f129664613f2483a6c88bc7c2 :  15346 :  10 : 11
    [quantifier_instances] assumption_SMTEncoding.Factorial_unbounded :  15890 :  10 : 11

    Each line mentions is of the form:

    qid : number of instances : max generation :  max cost


    • qid is the identifer of quantifier in the .smt2 file

    • the number of times it was instantiated, which is the number we’re most interested in

    • the generation and cost are other internal measures, which Nikolaj Bjorner explains here

  4. Interpreting the results

    Clearly, as expected, assumption_SMTEncoding.Factorial_unbounded is instantiated the most.

    Next, if you search in the .smt2 file for “:qid refinement_interpretation_Tm_refine_542f9d4f129664613f2483a6c88bc7c2”, you’ll find the assumption that gives an interpretation to the HasType x Prims.nat predicate, where each instantiation of Factorial_unbounded yields another instance of this fact.

    Notice that equation_with_fuel_SMTEncoding.factorial.fuel_instrumented is also instantiated a lot. This is because aside from the matching loop due to HasType x Prims.nat, each instantiation of Factorial_unbounded also yields an occurrence of factorial as a new active term, which the solver then unrolls up to four times.

    We also see instantiations of quantifiers in Prims and other basic facts like int_inversion, bool_typing etc. Sometimes, you may even find that these quantifiers fire the most. However, these quantifiers are inherent to F*’s SMT encoding: there’s not much you can do about it as a user. They are usually also not to blame for a slow proof—they fire a lot when other terms are instantiated too much. You should try to identify other quantifiers in your code or libraries that fire a lot and try to understand the root cause of that.

Z3 Axiom Profiler

The Z3 Axiom Profiler can also be used to find more detailed information about quantifier instantiation, including which terms we used for instantiation, dependence among the quantifiers in the form of instantiation chains, etc.

However, there seem to be some issues with using it at the moment with Z3 logs generated from F*.

Splitting Queries

In the next two sections, we look at a small example that Alex Rozanov reported, shown below. It exhibits similar proof problems to our artificial example with factorial. Instead of just identifying the problematic quantifier, we look at how to remedy the performance problem by revising the proof to be less reliant on Z3 quantifier instantiation.

module Alex

let unbounded (f: nat -> int) = forall (m: nat). exists (n:nat). abs (f n) > m

val f : (f:(nat -> int){unbounded f})

let g : (nat -> int) = fun x -> f (x+1)

#push-options "--query_stats --fuel 0 --ifuel 0 --split_queries always"
let find_above_for_g (m:nat) : Lemma(exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m) = 
  assert (unbounded f); // apply forall to m
  eliminate exists (n:nat). abs(f n) > m
  returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. begin
    let m1 = abs(f n) in
    assert (m1 > m); //prover hint
    if n>=1 then assert (abs(g (n-1)) > m)
    else begin
      assert (n<=0); //arithmetics hint
      eliminate exists (n1:nat). abs (f n1) > m1
      returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. 
        assert (n1>0);
        assert (abs (g (n1-1)) > m);

The hypothesis is that unbounded f has exactly the same problem as the our unbounded hypothesis on factorial—the forall/exists quantifier contains a matching loop.

This proof of find_above_for_g succeeds, but it takes a while and F* reports:

(Warning 349) The verification condition succeeded after splitting
it to localize potential errors, although the original non-split
verification condition failed. If you want to rely on splitting
queries for verifying your program please use the '--split_queries
always' option rather than relying on it implicitly.

By default, F* collects all the proof obligations in a top-level F* definition and presents it to Z3 in a single query with several conjuncts. Usually, this allows Z3 to efficiently solve all the conjuncts together, e.g., the proof search for one conjunct may yield clauses useful to complete the search for other clauses. However, sometimes, the converse can be true: the proof search for separate conjuncts can interfere with each other negatively, leading to the entire proof to fail even when every conjunct may be provable if tried separately. Additionally, when F* calls Z3, it applies the current rlimit setting for every query. If a query contains N conjuncts, splitting the conjuncts into N separate conjuncts is effectively a rlimit multiplier, since each query can separately consume resources as much as the current rlimit.

If the single query with several conjunct fails without Z3 reporting any further information that F* can reconstruct into a localized error message, F* splits the query into its conjuncts and tries each of them in isolation, so as to isolate the failing conjunct it any. However, sometimes, when tried in this mode, the proof of all conjuncts can succeed.

One way to respond to Warning 349 is to follow what it says and enable --split_queries always explicitly, at least for the program fragment in question. This can sometimes stabilize a previously unstable proof. However, it may also end up deferring an underlying proof-performance problem. Besides, even putting stability aside, splitting queries into their conjuncts results in somewhat slower proofs.

Taking Control of Quantifier Instantiations with Opaque Definitions

Here is a revision of Alex’s program that addresses the quantifier instantiation problem. There are a few elements to the solution.

let unbounded (f: nat → int) = forall (m: nat). exists (n:nat). abs (f n) > m

let instantiate_unbounded (f:nat → int { unbounded f }) (m:nat)
  : Lemma (exists (n:nat). abs (f n) > m)
  = reveal_opaque (`%unbounded) (unbounded f)

val f : (z:(nat → int){unbounded z})

let g : (nat -> int) = fun x -> f (x+1)

#push-options "--query_stats --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
let find_above_for_g (m:nat) : Lemma(exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m) = 
  instantiate_unbounded f m;
  eliminate exists (n:nat). abs(f n) > m
  returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. begin
    let m1 = abs(f n) in
    if n>=1 then assert (abs(g (n-1)) > m)
    else begin
      instantiate_unbounded f m1;
      eliminate exists (n1:nat). abs (f n1) > m1
      returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. 
        assert (abs (g (n1-1)) > m)
  1. Marking definitions as opaque

    The attribute [@@"opaque_to_smt"] on the definition of unbounded instructs F* to not encode that definition to the SMT solver. So, the problematic alternating quantifier is no longer in the global scope.

  2. Selectively revealing the definition within a scope

    Of course, we still want to reason about the unbounded predicate. So, we provide a lemma, instantiate_unbounded, that allows the caller to explicity instantiate the assumption that f is unbounded on some lower bound m.

    To prove the lemma, we use FStar.Pervasives.reveal_opaque: its first argument is the name of a symbol that should be revealed; its second argument is a term in which that definition should be revealed. It this case, it proves that unbounded f is equal to forall m. exists n. abs (f n) > m.

    With this fact available in the local scope, Z3 can prove the lemma. You want to use reveal_opaque carefully, since with having revealed it, Z3 has the problematic alternating quantifier in scope and could go into a matching loop. But, here, since the conclusion of the lemma is exactly the body of the quantifier, Z3 quickly completes the proof. If even this proves to be problematic, then you may have to resort to tactics.

  3. Explicitly instantiate where needed

    Now, with our instantiation lemma in hand, we can precisly instantiate the unboundedness hypothesis on f as needed.

    In the proof, there are two instantiations, at m and m1.

    Note, we are still relying on some non-trivial quantifier instantiation by Z3. Notably, the two assertions are important to instantiate the existential quantifier in the returns clause. We’ll look at that in more detail shortly.

    But, by making the problematic definition opaque and instantiating it explicitly, our performance problem is gone—here’s what query-stats shows now.

    (<input>(18,2-31,5))    Query-stats (AlexOpaque.find_above_for_g, 1)
                 succeeded in 46 milliseconds

This wiki page provides more information on selectively revealing opaque definitions.

Other Ways to Explicitly Trigger Quantifiers

For completeness, we look at some other ways in which quantifier instantiation works.

An Artificial Trigger

Instead of making the definition of unbounded opaque, we could protect the universal quantifier with a pattern using some symbol reserved for this purpose, as shown below.

let trigger (x:int) = True

let unbounded_alt (f: nat → int) = forall (m: nat). {:pattern (trigger m)} (exists (n:nat). abs (f n) > m)

val ff : (z:(nat → int){unbounded_alt z})

let gg : (nat -> int) = fun x -> ff (x+1)

#push-options "--query_stats --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
let find_above_for_gg (m:nat) : Lemma(exists (i:nat). abs(gg i) > m) = 
  assert (unbounded_alt ff);
  assert (trigger m);
  eliminate exists (n:nat). abs(ff n) > m
  returns exists (i:nat). abs(gg i) > m with _. begin
    let m1 = abs(ff n) in
    if n>=1 then assert (abs(gg (n-1)) > m)
    else begin
      assert (trigger m1);
      eliminate exists (n1:nat). abs (ff n1) > m1
      returns exists (i:nat). abs(gg i) > m with _. 
        assert (abs (gg (n1-1)) > m)
  1. We define a new function trigger x that is trivially true.

  2. In unbounded_alt we decorate the universal quantifier with an explicit pattern, {:pattern (trigger x)}. The pattern is not semantically relevant—it’s only there to control how the quantifier is instantiated

  3. In find_above_for_gg, whenever we want to instantiate the quantifier with a particular lower bound k, we assert trigger k. That gives Z3 an active term that mentions trigger which it then uses to instantiate the quantifier with our choice of k.

This style is not particularly pleasant, because it involves polluting our definitions with semantically irrelevant triggers. The selectively revealing opaque definitions style is much preferred. However, artificial triggers can sometimes be useful.

Existential quantifiers

We have an existential formula in the goal exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m and Z3 will try to solve this by finding an active term to instantiate i. In this case, the patterns Z3 picks is (g i) as well the predicate (HasType i Prims.nat), which the SMT encoding introduces. Note, F* does not currently allow the existential quantifier in a returns annoation to be decorated with a pattern—that will likely change in the future.

Since g i is one of the patterns, by asserting abs (g (n - 1)) > m in one branch, and abs (g (n1 - 1)) > m in the other, Z3 has the terms it needs to instantiate the quantifier with n - 1 in one case, and n1 - 1 in the other case.

In fact, any assertion that mentions the g (n - 1) and g (n1 - 1) will do, even trivial ones, as the example below shows.

let find_above_for_g1 (m:nat) : Lemma(exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m) = 
  instantiate_unbounded f m;
  eliminate exists (n:nat). abs(f n) > m
  returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. begin
    let m1 = abs(f n) in
    if n>=1 then assert (trigger (g (n-1)))
    else begin
      instantiate_unbounded f m1;
      eliminate exists (n1:nat). abs (f n1) > m1
      returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. 
        assert (trigger (g (n1-1)))

We assert trigger (g (n - 1))) and trigger (g (n1 - 1)), this gives Z3 active terms for g (n - 1)) and g (n1 - 1), which suffices for the instantiation. Note, asserting trigger (n - 1) is not enough, since that doesn’t mention g.

However, recall that there’s a second pattern that’s also applicable (HasType i Prims.nat)–we can get Z3 to instantiate the quantifier if we can inject the predicate (HasType (n - 1) nat) into Z3’s context. By using trigger_nat, as shown below, does the trick, since F* inserts a proof obligation to show that the argument x in trigger_nat x validates (HasType x Prims.nat).

let trigger_nat (x:nat) = True
let find_above_for_g2 (m:nat) : Lemma(exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m) = 
  instantiate_unbounded f m;
  eliminate exists (n:nat). abs(f n) > m
  returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. begin
    let m1 = abs(f n) in
    if n>=1 then assert (trigger_nat (n-1))
    else begin
      instantiate_unbounded f m1;
      eliminate exists (n1:nat). abs (f n1) > m1
      returns exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m with _. 
        assert (trigger_nat (n1-1))

Of course, rather than relying on implicitly chosen triggers for the existentials, one can be explicit about it and provide the instance directly, as shown below, where the introduce exists ... in each branch directly provides the witness rather than relying on Z3 to find it. This style is much preferred, if possible, than relying implicit via various implicitly chosen patterns and artificial triggers.

let find_above_for_g' (m:nat) : Lemma(exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m) = 
  instantiate_unbounded f m;
  eliminate exists (n:nat). abs(f n) > m
  returns _ // exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m
  with _. begin
    let m1 = abs(f n) in
    if n>=1 then (
      introduce exists (i:nat). abs(g i) > m 
      with (n - 1)
      and ()
    else begin
      instantiate_unbounded f m1;
      eliminate exists (n1:nat). abs (f n1) > m1
      returns _ //exists (i:nat). _ abs(g i) > m
      with _. 
          introduce exists (i:nat). abs (g i) > m
          with (n1 - 1)
          and ()

Here is a link to the the full file with all the variations we have explored.

Overhead due to a Large Context

Consider the following program:

module T = FStar.Tactics
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module SA = Steel.Array
open FStar.Seq

#push-options "--query_stats"
let warmup1 (x:bool { x == true }) = assert x

let test1 (a:Type) (s0 s1 s2: seq a)
  : Lemma (Seq.append (Seq.append s0 s1) s2 `Seq.equal`
           Seq.append s0 (Seq.append s1 s2))
  = ()

The lemma test1 is a simple property about FStar.Seq, but the lemma occurs in a module that also depends on a large number of other modules—in this case, about 177 modules from the F* standard library. All those modules are encoded to the SMT solver producing about 11MB of SMT2 definitions with nearly 20,000 assertions for the solver to process. This makes for a large search space for the solver to explore to find a proof, however, most of those assertions are quantified formulas guarded by patterns and they remain inert unless some active term triggers them. Nevertheless, all these definitions impose a noticeable overhead to the solver. If you turn --query_stats on (after a single warm-up query), it takes Z3 about 300 milliseconds (and about 3000 quantifier instantiations) to find a proof for test1.

You probably won’t really notice the overhead of a proof that takes 300 milliseconds—the F* standard library doesn’t have many quantifiers in scope with things like bad quantifier alternation that lead to matching loops. However, as your development starts to depend on an ever larger stack of modules, there’s the danger that at some point, your proofs are impacted by some bad choice of quantifiers in some module that you have forgotten about. In that case, you may find that seemingly simple proofs take many seconds to go through. In this section, we’ll look at a few things you can do to diagnose such problems.

Filtering the context

The first thing we’ll look at is an F* option to remove facts from the context.

#push-options "--using_facts_from 'Prims FStar.Seq'"
let warmup2 (x:bool { x == true }) = assert x

let test2 (a:Type) (s0 s1 s2: seq a)
  : Lemma (Seq.append (Seq.append s0 s1) s2 `Seq.equal`
           Seq.append s0 (Seq.append s1 s2))
  = ()

The --using_facts_from option retains only facts from modules that match the namespace-selector string provided. In this case, the selector shrinks the context from 11MB and 20,000 assertions to around 1MB and 2,000 assertions and the query stats reports that the proof now goes through in just 15 milliseconds—a sizeable speedup even though the absolute numbers are still small.

Of course, deciding which facts to filter from your context is not easy. For example, if you had only retained FStar.Seq and forgot to include Prims, the proof would have failed. So, the --using_facts_from option isn’t often very useful.

Unsat Core and Hints

When Z3 finds a proof, it can report which facts from the context were relevant to the proof. This collection of facts is called the unsat core, because Z3 has proven that the facts from the context and the negated goal are unsatisfiable. F* has an option to record and replay the unsat core for each query and F* refers to the recorded unsat cores as “hints”.

Here’s how to use hints:

  1. Record hints

    fstar.exe --record_hints ContextPollution.fst

    This produces a file called ContextPollution.fst.hints

    The format of a hints file is internal and subject to change, but it is a textual format and you can roughly see what it contains. Here’s a fragment from it:

         "@MaxIFuel_assumption", "@query", "equation_Prims.nat",
         "int_inversion", "int_typing", "lemma_FStar.Seq.Base.lemma_eq_intro",
         "primitive_Prims.op_Addition", "primitive_Prims.op_Subtraction",
         "typing_FStar.Seq.Base.append", "typing_FStar.Seq.Base.length"

    This is the hint entry for the query with whose id is (ContextPollution.test1, 1)

    The next two fields are the fuel and ifuel used for the query, 2 and 1 in this case.

    Then, we have the names of all the facts in the unsat core for this query: you can see that it was only about 20 facts that were needed, out of the 20,000 that were originally present.

    The second to last field is not used—it is always 0.

    And the last field is a hash of the query that was issued.

  2. Replaying hints

    The following command requests F* to search for ContextPollution.fst.hints in the include path and when attempting to prove a query with a given id, it looks for a hint for that query in the hints file, uses the fuel and ifuel settings present in the hints, and prunes the context to include only the facts present in the unsat core.

    fstar.exe --use_hints ContextPollution.fst

    Using the hints usually improves verification times substantially, but in this case, we see that the our proof now goes through in about 130 milliseconds, not nearly as fast as the 15 milliseconds we saw earlier. That’s because when using a hint, each query to Z3 spawns a new Z3 process initialized with just the facts in the unsat core, and that incurs some basic start-up time costs.

Many F* projects use hints as part of their build, including F*’s standard library. The .hints files are checked in to the repository and are periodically refreshed as proofs evolve. This helps improve the stability of proofs: it may take a while for a proof to go through, but once it does, you can record and replay the unsat core and subsequent attempts of the same proof (or even small variations of it) can go through quickly.

Other projects do not use hints: some people (perhaps rightfully) see hints as a way of masking underlying proof performance problems and prefer to make proofs work quickly and robustly without hints. If you can get your project to this state, without relying on hints, then so much the better for you!

Differential Profiling with qprofdiff

If you have a proof that takes very long without hints but goes through quickly with hints, then the hints might help you diagnose why the original proof was taking so long. This wiki page describes how to compare two Z3 quantifier instantiation profiles with a tool that comes with Z3 called qprofdiff.

Hints that fail to replay

Sometimes, Z3 will report an unsat core, but when F* uses it to try to replay a proof, Z3 will be unable to find a proof of unsat, and F* will fall back to trying the proof again in its original context. The failure to find a proof of unsat from a previously reported unsat core is not a Z3 unsoundness or bug—it’s because although the report core is really logically unsat, finding a proof of unsat may have relied on quantifier instantiation hints from facts that are not otherwise semantically relevant. The following example illustrates.

module HintReplay

val p (x:int) : prop

val q (x:int) : prop

val r (x:int) : prop

assume P_Q : forall (x:int). {:pattern q x} q x ==> p x
assume Q_R : forall (x:int). {:pattern p x} q x ==> r x

let test (x:int { q x }) = assert (r x)

Say you run the following:

fstar --record_hints HintReplay.fst
fstar --query_stats --use_hints HintReplay.fst

You will see the following output from the second run:

(HintReplay.fst(15,27-15,39))   Query-stats (HintReplay.test, 1)        failed
  {reason-unknown=unknown because (incomplete quantifiers)} (with hint)
  in 42 milliseconds ..

(HintReplay.fst(15,27-15,39))   Query-stats (HintReplay.test, 1)        succeeded
  in 740 milliseconds ...

The first attempt at the query failed when using the hint, and the second attempt at the query (without the hint) succeeded.

To see why, notice that to prove the assertion r x from the hypothesis q x, logically, the assumption Q_R suffices. Indeed, if you look in the hints file, you will see that it only mentions HintReplay.Q_R as part of the logical core. However, Q_R is guarded by a pattern p x and in the absence of the assumption P_Q, there is no way for the solver to derive an active term p x to instantiate Q_R—so, with just the unsat core, it fails to complete the proof.

Failures for hint replay usually point to some unusual quantifier triggering pattern in your proof. For instance, here we used p x as a pattern, even though p x doesn’t appear anywhere in Q_R—that’s not usually a good choice, though sometimes, e.g., when using artificial triggers it can come up.

This wiki page on hints provides more information about diagnosing hint-replay failures, particularly in the context of the Low* libraries.