Interactive proof assistants | Semi-automated verifiers of imperative programs | |||
Coq, | CompCert, | air | Dafny, | Verve, |
Isabelle, | seL4, | FramaC, | IronClad, | |
Agda, | Bedrock, | Why3 | miTLS | |
Lean, PVS, … | 4 colors | gap | Vale |
In the left corner:
Very expressive dependently-typed logics,
but only purely functional programming
In the right:
effectful programming, SMT-based automation,
but only first-order logic
Functional programming language with effects
Semi-automated verification system using SMT
With an expressive core language based on dependent type theory
A metaprogramming and tactic framework for interactive proof and user-defined automation
Write ML-like code
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1
else n * factorial (n - 1)
Give it a specification, claiming that factorial
is a
total function from non-negative to positive integers.
val factorial: n:int{n >= 0} -> Tot (i:int{i >= 1})
Ask F* to check it
fstar factorial.fst
Verified module: Factorial
All verification conditions discharged successfully
fstar factorial.fst
Verified module: Factorial
All verification conditions discharged successfully
In a context including definitions of F* primitives
The program has type , given the validity of a logical formula
is passed to Z3 (an automated theorem prover/SMT solver) to check for validity
If the check succeds, then, from the metatheory of F*, the program is safe at type
Microsoft Research, Inria Paris, CMU, MIT, Rosario, …
Need to write low-level code for performance
Need to write low-level code for security
Specifying and verifying effectful programs is hard
Much effort involved in designing and structuring specifications, perhaps more effort than programming effectful code itself
Typical code to proof ratio for functional correctness and security proofs is ~ 1 : 5 (more like 1 : 20 without SMT)
Pays to structure specifications well … functional programming can help
Functional programming ~ Freedom of abstraction
Core F* design principle:
Computation types are indexed by their specifications
Three examples:
Weakest precondition inference: Monads indexed by WP-monads
Imperative data access code: Lens-indexed imperative lenses
Low-level parsers: Parser-indexed imperative parsers
… many more structures still to be discovered
Informally, like Coq or Agda, but with an extensional dependent type theory (~Nuprl)
let nat = x:int{x>=0}
val incr : x:int -> y:int{x < y}
let incr x = x + 1
Recursive functions over inductive datatypes
type vec a : nat -> Type =
| Nil : vec a 0
| Cons : #n:nat -> hd:a -> tl:vec a n -> vec a (n + 1)
let rec append (v1:vec a n) (v2:vec a m)
: vec a (n + m) =
match v1 with
| Nil -> v2
| Cons hd tl -> Cons hd (append tl v2)
Higher order
let rec map (f:a -> b) (v:vec a n)
: vec b n
= match v with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons hd tl -> Cons (f hd) (map f tl)
map (fun x -> x + 42) (Cons 1 Nil)
The F* functions we saw so far were all total
effect (default) = no side-effects, terminates on all inputs
val factorial : nat -> Tot nat
let rec factorial n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1)))
Quiz: How about giving this weak type to factorial?
val factorial : int -> Tot int
let rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1)
Subtyping check failed; expected type x:int{x << n}; got type int
factorial (-1)
loops! (int
type in F* is unbounded)
val factorial : int -> Dv int
“Values” aka unconditionally total terms
Two classes of types
): int
, list int
, …
): conditionally pure, divergent, stateful, …
F* effect system encapsulates effectful code
Dependent function types of the form: x:t -> C
Two forms of refinement types
type st a = s -> (a * s)
let return x h = x,h
let bind f g h = let x,h' = f h in g x h'
let get () h = h,h
let put h _ = (),h
new_effect STATE { st; return; bind; get; put }
Can now program effectful computations directly:
let double () = put (get () + get ())
And F* infers double : unit -> STATE unit w
Type inference in F* includes inference of weakest preconditions
e : STATE a w
forall post h0. //for all postconditions and initial states
w post h0 ==> //given the weakest precondition is valid for post and h0
e h0 ~>* (v, h1) /\ //the computation reduces to a value and final state
post (v, h1) //that validate the postcondition
What is a weakest precondition predicate transformer?
let st_wp a : st_post a -> st_pre //transforms postconditions to preconditions
where st_post a : (a * s) -> prop //postconditions relate results to memories
and st_pre : s -> prop //preconditions are memory predicates
Dijkstra monad for state
let st_wp a : st_post a -> st_pre //transforms postconditions to preconditions
where st_post a : (a * s) -> prop //postconditions relate results to memories
and st_pre : s -> prop //preconditions are memory predicates
cont r a = (a -> r) -> r
Take the continuation monad with result type prop
s -> cont prop (a * s)
= s -> ((a * s) -> prop) -> prop
~ ((a * s) -> prop) -> s -> prop
= st_post a -> st_pre
= st_wp a
WPs for state are just the state monad transformer
applied to the continuation monad with result type prop
stateT m a = s -> m (a * s)
st_wp a = stateT (cont prop) a
F* automatically derives a weakest precondition calculus for m-effectful computations whose WPs have the form
m_wp a = mT (cont prop) a
transformer on the continuation monad with result type prop
And infers computations types of the form M a (wp : m_wp a)
E.g., for exceptions
ex_wp a = ex_t (cont prop) a
= (option a -> prop) -> prop
For state + exceptions
st_ex_wp a = state_t (ex_t (cont prop)) a
= s -> (ex_t (cont prop) a * s)
= s -> ((option a * state) -> prop) -> prop
~ ((option a * state) -> prop) -> s -> prop
= st_ex_post a -> st_ex_pre
Reasoning about continuations: great for a core logic / not for a human
Hoare logic-style pre-conditions and post-conditions
ST a (pre: s -> prop) (post: s -> a -> s -> prop) =
STATE a (fun k s0 -> pre s0 /\ (forall x s1. post s0 x s1 ==> k (x, s1)))
stateful pre-condition is predicate on initial states
post-condition is relation on initial states, results, and final states
val get ()
: ST s
(requires fun s -> True)
(ensures fun s0 result s1 -> s0 == result /\ result == s1)
val put s
: ST unit
(requires fun _ -> True)
(ensures fun _ _ s1 -> s1 == s0)
with Lens-indexed Imperative Lenses
Program libraries to model memory, e.g., the ML or C heap
Derive effectful actions for primitive operations (e.g., !
, :=
Write effectful programs against these libraries and verify them with refined computation types
Extract them to programs in ML or C with primitive effects
let incr (r:ref int)
: ST unit
(requires fun h0 -> h0 `contains` r)
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> sel h1 r = sel h0 r + 1)
= r := !r + 1
let incr (r:ref int) : unit = r := !r + 1
void incr (int *r) { *r = *r + 1; }
A sketch of FStar.Heap
module Heap
let addr = nat
abstract let heap = {
next_addr: addr;
map: addr -> option (a:Type & v:a) {
forall a. h > next_addr ==> map a == None
abstract let ref t = addr
let contains h (r:ref t) = r < h.next_addr /\ r == Some (t, _)
let sel h (r:ref t{h `contains` r}) = let Some (_, v) = r in v
let upd h (r:ref t{h `contains` r}) v = ...
Reading references
let (!) #t (r:ref t)
: ST t
(requires fun h -> h `contains` r)
(ensures fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ x = sel h1 r) =
sel (get()) r
Writing references
let (:=) #t (r:ref t) (v:t)
: ST (ref t)
(requires fun h -> h `contains` r)
(ensures fun h0 x h1 -> h1 == upd h0 r v) =
put (upd (get()) r v); r
Allocating and freeing references …
type lens a b = {
get : a -> b;
put : b -> a -> a
and upd
form a lens
let ref_lens : lens (heap * ref a) a = {
get = fun (h, r) -> sel h r;
put = fun v (h, r) -> upd h r v
A lens-indexed computation type:
type st_lens inv (l:lens (heap * a) b) = {
st_get : x:a
-> ST b
(requires fun h -> inv h x)
(ensures fun h0 y h1 -> h0==h1 /\ y == l.get (h0, x));
st_put : y:b
-> x:a
-> ST a
(requires fun h -> inv h x)
(ensures fun h0 x' h1 -> h1, x' == l.put y (h0, x))
(!) and (:=) are imperative lenses
let iref_lens : st_lens contains ref_lens = {
st_get = (!);
st_put = (:=);
with the EverParse parser combinator library
TLS 1.3 message format, with variable-length data
uint16 ProtocolVersion; opaque Random[32]; uint8 CipherSuite[2];
struct {
ProtocolVersion legacy_version = 0x0303;
Random random;
opaque legacy_session_id<0..32>;
CipherSuite cipher_suites<2..2^16-2>;
opaque legacy_compression_methods<1..2^8-1>;
Extension extensions<8..2^16-1>;
} ClientHello;
De facto: Hand-written parsers and formatters, for performance, but also many vulnerabilities
Given a type description (e.g., ClientHello)
Produces a parser and a formatter indexed by its (inverse) parser
let parser t = b:bytes -> option (t * n:nat{n <= length b})
let format (p:parser t) = f:(t -> bytes) {
forall x. p (f x) == Some (x, length (f x))
let validator (p:parser t) =
bs:array uint8 ->
pos:u32 { pos <= length bs } ->
ST u32
(requires fun h0 -> h0 `contains` bs)
(ensures fun h0 res h1 ->
h0 == h1 /\
(if res < ERROR_CODE
then exists v. p (as_bytes bs h0 pos) = Some (v, res) (* parsing succeeds *)
else p (as_bytes bs h0 pos) = None (* parsing fails *)))
val return : validator unit_parser
val bind : validator p -> (t -> validator q) -> validator (p `Parser.bind` q)
val seq: validator p -> validator s -> validator (p `Parser.seq` s)
val map : f:(t -> s) -> validator p -> -> validator ( f p)
Client-hello validator
`seq` random_validator
`seq` sessionID_validator
`seq` clientHello_cipher_suites_validator
`seq` clientHello_compression_method_validator
`seq` clientHelloExtensions_validator
Imperative code refines pure parser by construction
Structured access into validated binary data, specified by parsers and lenses
let accessor (p1:parser t1) (p2:parser t2) (l:lens t1 t2) =
bs:array uint8 ->
pos:u32 { pos <= length bs } ->
ST u32
(requires fun h0 ->
h0 `contains` bs /\
Some? (p1 (as_bytes bs h0 pos))) (* bs contains a valid t1 *))
(ensures fun h0 res h1 ->
h0 == h1 /\
let Some (v1, _) = p1 (as_bytes bs h0 pos) in
p2 (as_bytes bs h0 res) == Some (l.get v1, _)) (* returns offset to t2 *)
Abstractly, structured data access into a (representation of) t1
Concretely, just performs arithmetic into the binary formatted data
uint32_t Parsers_ClientHello_clientHello_validator(LowParse_Low_Base_slice input, uint32_t pos)
uint32_t pos10 = Parsers_ProtocolVersion_protocolVersion_validator(input, pos);
uint32_t pos11;
if (pos10 > ERROR_CODE)
pos11 = pos10;
pos11 = Parsers_Random_random_validator(input, pos10);
uint32_t pos12;
if (pos11 > ERROR_CODE)
pos12 = pos11;
pos12 = Parsers_SessionID_sessionID_validator(input, pos11);
uint32_t pos13;
if (pos12 > ERROR_CODE)
pos13 = pos12;
pos13 = Parsers_ClientHello_cipher_suites_clientHello_cipher_suites_validator(input, pos12);
uint32_t pos1;
Write low-level code if you must
But, program it tastefully in a proof assistant, not directly in C or asm
Thoughtful structuring of imperative coding patterns can make reasoning about imperative programs similar to functional programming
And with proofs, partial evaluation and proof erasure, the resulting code can be significantly faster than hand-written C