Mathematical specifications of correctness and security
Machine-checked proof that the code does not deviate from the spec
Foundational: Against a formal machine model
Integrated: Single theorem covering all the code
Many successes in the past 10-15 years
Building and deploying system components with proofs of correctness and security
Focusing on secure communication software: TLS, QUIC, Signal, etc.
But, also secure sub-systems, like measured boot, high-integrity key-value stores etc.
Developed using the F* programming language
Building and maintaining formal proofs at scale
Multiple times a day, our continuous integration system verifies and builds more than 600,000 lines of F* code and proof
Proof automation “in the small”
10^6 small proof obligations discharged by Z3 at each build
Domain-specific languages with carefully designed full automation for specific kinds of proofs
Modular abstractions to compose proven components
State of the art: 1 line of code : N lines of manual proof, where
Verifying a large piece of existing code, “after the fact”, is still too difficult
Often writing a LOT more proof than code
Programs and their proofs, co-developed
Good synergies:
Proofs can be simpler, because the program's structure is designed to facilitate it
Programming can be simpler, since proofs guide program construction, e.g., unreachable cases can be ignored
Programs can be more “daring”, since invariants help justify optimizations too risky to attempt otherwise
Functional programming language with effects
Semi-automated program verifier using automated theorem proving
With an expressive core language based on dependent type theory
A metaprogramming and tactic framework for interactive proof and user-defined automation
And many foundational program logics for embedded DSLs
Lecture 1: Introducing F*
Lecture 2: Shallow embeddings of effectful languages
Lecture 3: Layering effectful DSLs
Lecture 4: Concurrent programming and separation logic
F* online
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Many talks, summer/winter schools, linked online
Many research papers, will link to background reading as we go
The functional core of F*
Several style of proof illustrated on simple functional programs
The empty type: It has no values
type empty =
The singleton: It has exactly 1 value
type unit = ()
Boolean: It has exactly 2 values
type bool = true | false
type list a =
| Nil : list a
| Cons : hd:a -> tl:list a -> list a
type rbtree a : nat -> color -> Type =
| Leaf : rbtree a 1 Black
| R : left:rbtree a h Black -> value:a -> right:rbtree a h Black -> rbtree a h Red
| B : left:rbtree a h cl -> value:a -> right:rbtree a h cr -> rbtree a (h+1) Black
Recursive functions
let rec factorial (n:int) : int =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Inductive datatypes (immutable) and pattern matching
let rec map (f: a -> b) (x:list a) : list b =
match x with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl -> f hd :: map f tl
Lambdas (unnamed, first-class functions)
map (fun x -> x + 42) [1;2;3] ~> [43;44;45]
type nat = x:int{x>=0}
Informal mental model: A type describes a set of values
let empty = x:int { false } //one type for the empty set
let zero = x:int{ x = 0 } //the type containing one element `0`
let pos = x:int { x > 0 } //the positive numbers
let neg = x:int { x < 0 } //the negative numbers
let even = x:int { x % 2 = 0 } //the even numbers
let odd = x:int { x % 2 = 1 } //the odd numbers
let prime = x:nat { forall n. x % n = 0 ==> n = 1 || n = x } //prime numbers
Refinements introduced by type annotations (code unchanged)
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
Logical obligations discharged by SMT (simplified)
n >= 0, n <> 0 |= n - 1 >= 0
n >= 0, n <> 0, factorial (n - 1) >= 0 |= n * (factorial (n - 1)) >= 0
Refinements eliminated by subtyping: nat<:int
let i : int = factorial 42
let f : x:nat{x>0} -> int = factorial
Dependent function types (), here together with refinements:
val incr : x:int -> y:int{x < y}
let incr x = x + 1
Can express pre- and post- conditions of pure functions
val incr : x:int -> y:int{y = x + 1}
Exercise: Can you find other types for incr
effect (default) = no side-effects, terminates on all inputs
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1)))
F* refuses to accept this type for factorial. Why?
val factorial : int -> int
let rec factorial n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1)))
Subtyping check failed; expected type (x:int{x << n}); got type int
factorial (-1)
loops! (int
type in F* is unbounded)
based on well-founded ordering on expressions (<<
(negative integers unrelated)
x << D x
f x << D f
%[a; b] << [a'; b']
if a << a'
, or a = a'
and b << b'
arbitrary total expression as decreases metric
val ackermann: m:nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat (decreases %[m;n])
let rec ackermann (m n:nat)
: Tot nat (decreases %[m;n])
= if m=0 then n + 1
else if n = 0 then ackermann (m - 1) 1
else ackermann (m - 1) (ackermann m (n - 1))
default metric is lex ordering of all (non-function) args
val ackermann: m:nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat
let rec length (xs:list a) : nat =
match xs with
| [] -> 0
| _::tl -> 1 + length tl
let rec append (xs ys : list a) : list a =
match xs with
| [] -> ys
| x :: xs' -> x :: append xs' ys
let rec append_length (xs ys : list a) : Lemma (length (append xs ys) = length xs + length ys)
= match xs with
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs' -> append_length xs' ys
is easy: append [] ys = ys /\ length [] = 0
Lemma p = u:unit { p }
let snoc l h = l @ [h]
let rec reverse (l:list a) : list a =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> snoc (reverse tl) hd
let rec rev_snoc (l:list a) (h:a)
: Lemma (reverse (snoc l h) == h::reverse l)
= match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> rev_snoc tl h
let rec rev_involutive (l:list a)
: Lemma (reverse (reverse l) == l)
= match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl -> rev_involutive tl; rev_snoc (reverse tl) hd
let rec quicksort (f:total_order a) (l:list a)
: Tot (m:list a{sorted f m /\ is_permutation l m})
(decreases (length l))
= match l with
| [] -> []
| pivot::tl ->
let hi, lo = partition (f pivot) tl in
let m = quicksort f lo @ pivot :: quicksort f hi in
permutation_app_lemma pivot tl (quicksort f lo) (quicksort f hi);
Basics: factorial, lemmas, vectors
Warm up: Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
Vale: A Proof-oriented Assembly Language
Lemma p
is sugar for Tot (u:unit{p})
We write squash p
instead of u:unit{p}
Lemma p
is sugar for Tot (squash p)
The type squash p
is a sub-singleton, i.e., it has at most one element ()
(** All proofs of [squash p] are equal *)
val proof_irrelevance (p: Type) (x y: squash p) : Tot (squash (x == y))
The type prop
in F* is defined as all the subtypes of unit
and proof of p
, i.e., e:p
is noninformative
Two notions of equality
Definitional equality: if and only if .
Provable equality: and are provably equal if is inhabited, i.e., you can build a term of the following type
type equals (#a: Type) (x: a) : a -> Type = | Refl : equals x x
x == y
to mean squash (equals x y)
Clearly, if x
then x == y
In intensional type theories, given e : t
and t
, then by conversion e : t'
Equality reflection: In F*, like in other extensional type theories (e.g., Nuprl), if e:t
and t == t'
, then e : t'
i.e., types conversion is possible through the silent use of provable equalities
v: vec a (n + 0)
is convertible with vec a n
, since (n + 0) == n
, although n + 0
However, this makes typechecking in F* undecidable
With equality reflection, it is possible to prove, when `e == e':
(fun (x:a) -> e) == (fun (x:a) -> e')
But, subtyping adds another level of subtletly (we got this wrong a couple of times)
Due to refinement subtyping, we have (x:t0 -> t0') <: (x:t1 -> t1')
when t1 <: t0
and t0' <: t1'
(int -> nat) <: (nat -> int)
But, this means that eta reductions do not preserve types
f:int -> nat
, reducing fun (x:nat) -> f x
to f
widens its domain.
Given some f, g: int -> nat
, proving equals (fun (x:nat) -> f x)
(fun (x:nat) -> g x)
does not imply equals f g
(e.g., we may have f (-1) <> g (-1)
So, definitional equality in F* does not include eta reduction