Verifying Low-level Code for Security and Correctness using F*

Program verification: Shall the twain ever meet?

Interactive proof assistants Semi-automated verifiers of imperative programs
Coq, CompCert,   air Dafny, Verve,
Isabelle, seL4, FramaC, IronClad,
Agda, Bedrock, Why3 miTLS
Lean, Nuprl, 4 colors   gap Vale
  • In the left corner: Very expressive dependently-typed logics,
    but only purely functional programming

  • In the right: effectful programming, SMT-based automation,
    but only first-order logic

Bridging the gap: F*

  • Functional programming language with effects

    • like OCaml, F#, Haskell,
    • F* extracted to OCaml or F# by default
    • Subset of F* compiled to efficient C code
  • Semi-automated verification system using SMT

    • like Dafny, FramaC, Why3,
  • With an expressive core language based on dependent type theory

    • like Coq, Lean, Agda, Nuprl,
  • A metaprogramming and tactic framework for interactive proof and user-defined automation

    • like Coq, Isabelle, Lean, Nuprl, etc.

A first taste

  • Write ML-like code

    let rec factorial n = 
      if n = 0 then 1 
      else n * factorial (n - 1)
  • Give it a specification, claiming that factorial is a total function from non-negative to positive integers.

    val factorial: n:int{n >= 0} -> i:int{i >= 1}
  • Ask F* to check it

    fstar factorial.fst
    Verified module: Factorial
    All verification conditions discharged successfully
fstar factorial.fst
Verified module: Factorial
All verification conditions discharged successfully
F* builds a typing derivation of the form:

$\Gamma_{\mbox{prelude}} \vdash \mbox{\texttt{let factorial n = e}} : t \Leftarrow \phi$

  • In a context $\Gamma_{\mbox{prelude}}$ including definitions of F* primitives

  • The program $\mbox{\texttt{let factorial n = e}}$ has type $t$, given the validity of a logical formula $\phi$

  • $\phi$ is passed to Z3 (an automated theorem prover/SMT solver) to check for validity

  • If the check succeds, then, from the metatheory of F*, the program is safe at type $t$

Running F* Programs


Some uses of F*

  • Project Everest: verify and deploy new, efficient HTTPS stack
    • miTLS: Verified reference implementation of TLS (1.2 and 1.3)
    • EverParse: Verified parsers and formatter generators
    • EverCrypt: Agile Cryptographic Provider
    • HACL*: High-Assurance Cryptographic Library
    • Vale: Verified Assembly Language for Everest
  • Verified Everest code deployed in
    • Firefox (Mozilla NSS crypto)
    • Windows (WinQUIC)
    • Azure Confidential Consortium (Verified Merkle tree for the blockchain)
    • WireGuard VPN
    • Zinc crypto library for Linux
    • Tezos and Concordium blockchains

EverCrypt: A No-Excuses, Verified Cryptographic Provider


  • 180KLOC of code & proof, producing 40KLOC of verified C & assembly
    • Memory safe
    • Functionally correct
    • Side-channel resistant

AES-GCM: Authenticated Encryption for 90% of Secure Internet Traffic


The Current Everest and F* team

Microsoft Research, Inria Paris, CMU, MIT, Rosario, …


  • many former members, interns, external contributors, you?

This talk

  • Need to write low-level code for performance

    • Cryptographic routines are heavily optimized in C and assembly
    • Networking protocols are inherently effectful
  • Need to write low-level code for security

    • Hard to control side-channels with a GC, JIT etc.
  • Specifying and verifying effectful programs is hard

    • Much effort involved in designing and structuring specifications, perhaps more effort than programming effectful code itself

    • Typical code to proof ratio for functional correctness and security proofs is ~ 1 : 5 (more like 1 : 20 without SMT)

  • Pays to structure specifications well functional programming can help

Computations indexed by familiar FP structures

Core F* design principle:

  • Computation types are indexed by their specifications

  • Specs equipped with some algebraic structure for formal manipulation

Three examples:

  1. Weakest precondition inference: Monads indexed by WP-monads

  2. Imperative data access code: Lens-indexed imperative lenses

  3. Low-level parsers: Parser-indexed imperative parsers

    • Low-level formatters: Indexed by parsers, their inverses
  4. many more structures still to be discovered

Later this week

  1. Modeling and proving cryptographic security
  2. Implementing efficient, verified cryptographic algorithms in Low* (C)
  3. Faster, lower, still correct & secure: Verified assembly programs (Vale)?
    1. Relational equivalences in F*?

Try the tutorial:

The Functional Core of F*

Informally, like Coq or Agda, but with an extensional type theory (~Nuprl)

  • Refinement types

    let nat = x:int{x>=0}
  • Recursive functions

    let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))

Refinement types

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
  • Refinements introduced by type annotations (code unchanged)

    let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
  • Logical obligations discharged by SMT (simplified)

    n >= 0, n <> 0 |= n - 1 >= 0
    n >= 0, n <> 0, factorial (n - 1) >= 0 |= n * (factorial (n - 1)) >= 0
  • Refinements eliminated by subtyping: nat<:int

    let i : int = factorial 42
    let f : x:nat{x>0} -> int = factorial

Dependent types

  • Dependent function types ($\Pi$), here together with refinements:

    val incr : x:int -> y:int{x < y}
    let incr x = x + 1
  • Can express pre- and post- conditions of pure functions

    val incr : x:int -> y:int{y = x + 1}
  • Exercise: Can you find other types for incr?

Inductive types and pattern matching

  • Inductive datatypes (immutable) and pattern matching

    type list a =
      | Nil  : list a
      | Cons : hd:a -> tl:list a -> list a
    let rec map (f:a -> b) (x:list a) : list b =
      match x with
      | [] -> []
      | h :: t -> f h :: map f t
  • Lambdas (unnamed, first-class functions)

    map (fun x -> x + 42) [1;2;3]

Inductive types and pattern matching

  • Recursive functions over inductive datatypes

    type vec a : nat -> Type =
      | Nil : vec a 0
      | Cons : #n:nat -> hd:a -> tl:vec a n -> vec a (n + 1)
    let rec append (v1:vec a n) (v2:vec a m) 
      : vec a (n + m) =
      match v1 with
      | Nil -> v2
      | Cons hd tl -> Cons hd (append tl v2)
  • Higher order

      let rec map (f:a -> b) (v:vec a n) 
        : vec b n 
        = match v with
          | Nil -> Nil
          | Cons hd tl -> Cons (f hd) (map f tl)
      map (fun x -> x + 42) (Cons 1 Nil)

Total functions in F*

  • The F* functions we saw so far were all total

  • Tot effect (default) = no side-effects, terminates on all inputs

    • a -> b is really shorthand for a -> Tot b
    val factorial : nat -> nat ~ nat -> Tot nat
    let rec factorial n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1)))
  • Quiz: How about giving this weak type to factorial?

    val factorial : int -> Tot int
  let rec factorial n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1)))
  Subtyping check failed; expected type (x:int{(x << n)}); got type int

factorial (-1) loops! (int type in F* is unbounded)

Semantic termination checking

  • Based on well-founded ordering on expressions (<<)
    • naturals related by < (negative integers unrelated)
    • inductives related by subterm ordering
    • lex tuples %[a;b;c] with lexicographic ordering
    • result of a total function smaller than the function itself (f x << f)
  • order constraints discharged by the SMT solver
  • arbitrary total expression as decreases metric
    let rec ackermann (m n:nat) : Tot nat (decreases %[m;n]) =
      if m=0 then n + 1
      else if n = 0 then ackermann (m - 1) 1
      else ackermann (m - 1) (ackermann m (n - 1))
  • default metric is lex ordering of all (non-function) args
    val ackermann: m:nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat

Values and Computations

  • “Values” aka unconditionally total terms

  • Two classes of types

    • Value types (t): int, list int,
    • Computation types (C): conditionally pure, divergent, stateful,
  • F* effect system encapsulates effectful code

    • Pure code cannot call effectful code
    • But, via sub-effecting, pure code can be used in effectful contexts
  • Dependent function types of the form: x:t -> C

    • F* is call-by-value
    • argument can't have side-effects, so value type
  • Two forms of refinement types

    • Refined value types: x:t{p}
    • Refined computation types

Refined Computation Types

Monadic effects in F*

  • A classic state monad:
type st a = s -> (a * s)
let return x h = x,h
let bind f g h = let x,h' = f h in g x h'
let get () h = h,h
let put h _ = (),h
  • Turned into an abstract “computation type” and can be primitively implemented under the hood or not

    new_effect STATE { st; return; bind; get; put }
  • Can now program effectful computations directly:

    let double () = put (get () + get ())
  • And F* infers double : unit -> STATE unit w

Specifying Effectful Programs

  • Type inference in F* includes inference of weakest preconditions

  • e : STATE a w means

    forall post h0.        //for all postconditions and initial states
     w post h0 ==>       //given the weakest precondition is valid for post and h0
     e h0 ~>* (v, h1) /\ //the computation reduces to a value and final state
     post (v, h1)        //that validate the postcondition
  • What is a weakest precondition predicate transformer?

    let st_wp a : st_post a -> st_pre  //transforms postconditions to preconditions
    where st_post a : (a * s) -> prop //postconditions relate results to memories
    and   st_pre : s -> prop //preconditions are memory predicates
  • Dijkstra monad for state

WP inference $\sim$ CPS tranform

let st_wp a : st_post a -> st_pre  //transforms postconditions to preconditions
where st_post a : (a * s) -> prop //postconditions relate results to memories
and   st_pre : s -> prop //preconditions are memory predicates
  • Hey, wait a minute isn't that like the continuation monad?
cont r a = (a -> r) -> r
  • Take the continuation monad with result type prop

    s -> cont prop (a * s)
    = s -> ((a * s) -> prop) -> prop
    ~ ((a * s) -> prop) -> s -> prop
    = st_post a -> st_pre
    = st_wp a
  • WPs for state are just the state monad transformer applied to the continuation monad with result type prop

    stateT m a = s -> m (a * s)
    st_wp a = stateT (cont prop) a

Auto-generating WP calculi for monads

  • F* automatically derives a weakest precondition calculus for m-effectful computations whose WPs have the form

    m_wp a = mT (cont prop) a
    • the m transformer on the continuation monad with result type prop
  • And infers computations types of the form M a (wp : m_wp a)

  • E.g., for exceptions

    ex_wp a = ex_t (cont prop) a
          = (option a -> prop) -> prop
  • For state + exceptions

    st_ex_wp a = state_t (ex_t (cont prop)) a
             = s -> (ex_t (cont prop) a * s)
             = s -> ((option a * state) -> prop) -> prop
             ~ ((option a * state) -> prop) -> s -> prop
             = st_ex_post a -> st_ex_pre

Derived Specifications: Hoare triples

  • Reasoning about continuations: great for a core logic / not for a human

  • Hoare logic-style pre-conditions and post-conditions

    ST a (pre: s -> prop) (post: s -> a -> s -> prop) =
    STATE a (fun k s0 -> pre s0 /\ (forall x s1. post s0 x s1 ==> k (x, s1)))
  • stateful pre-condition is predicate on initial states

  • post-condition is relation on initial states, results, and final states

val get ()
  : ST s
    (requires fun s -> True)
    (ensures fun s0 result s1 -> s0 == result /\ result == s1)
val put s
  : ST unit
    (requires fun _ -> True)
    (ensures fun _ _ s1 -> s1 == s0)

Richer Model of Mutable Memory

with Lens-indexed Imperative Lenses

Richer memory models

  • Program libraries to model memory, e.g., the ML heap

  • Derive effectful actions for primitive operations (e.g., !, := etc.)

  • Write effectful programs against these libraries and verify them with refined computation types

  • Extract them to programs in ML or C with primtive effects

  • F*:

    let incr (r:ref int) : ST unit (requires (fun _ -> True))
             (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1 /\ sel h2 r = sel h1 r + 1))
        = r := !r + 1


    let incr (r:ref int) : unit = r := !r + 1


    void incr (int *r) { *r = *r + 1; }

Modeling the ML heap

A sketch of FStar.Heap:

module Heap
  let addr = nat
  abstract let heap = {
    next_addr: addr;
    map: addr -> option (a:Type & v:a) {
       forall a. h > next_addr ==> map a == None
  abstract let ref t = addr  
  let contains h (r:ref t) = r < h.next_addr /\ r == Some (t, _)
  let sel h (r:ref t{h `contains` r}) = let Some (_, v) = r in v
  let upd h (r:ref t{h `contains` r}) v = ...

More on modeling heaps

Deriving ML-like Effectful Operations

  • Reading references

    let (!) #t (r:ref t)
      : ST t
          (requires fun h -> h `contains` r)
          (ensures fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ x = sel h1 r) =
      sel (get()) r
  • Writing references

    let (:=) #t (r:ref t) (v:t)
      : ST (ref t)
          (requires fun h -> h `contains` r)
          (ensures fun h0 x h1 -> h1 == upd h0 r v) =
      put (upd (get()) r v); r
  • Allocating and freeing references

Freeing references

let free #r (r:ref t)
  : ST unit
    (requires fun h -> h `contains` r)
    (ensures fun h0 () h1 -> modifies !{r} h0 h1)
  = let h = get () in
    put ({h with map = fun a -> if a = r then None else a})

Bidirectional data access, abstractly with lenses

type lens a b = {
    get : a -> b;
    put : b -> a -> a
  • sel and upd form a lens
    let ref_lens : lens (heap * ref a) a  = {
      get = fun (h, r) -> sel h r;
      put = fun v (h, r) -> upd h r v

Imperative lenses

  • A lens-indexed computation type:

    type st_lens inv (l:lens (heap * a) b) = {
     st_get : x:a
           -> ST b
              (requires fun h -> inv h x)
              (ensures fun h0 y h1 -> h0==h1 /\ y == l.get (h0, x));
     st_put : y:b 
           -> x:a 
           -> ST a
              (requires fun h -> inv h x)
              (ensures fun h0 x' h1 -> h1, x' == l.put y (h0, x))
  • (!) and (:=) are imperative lenses

    let iref_lens : st_lens contains ref_lens = {
      st_get = (!);
      st_put = (:=);

More on lens-indexed imperative lenses

Manipulating Binary-formatted Data

with the EverParse parser combinator library

Networking Protocols: Many performance and security-critical parsers

  • TLS 1.3 message format, with variable-length data

    uint16 ProtocolVersion; opaque Random[32]; uint8 CipherSuite[2];    ​
    struct {​
         ProtocolVersion legacy_version = 0x0303;​
         Random          random;​
         opaque          legacy_session_id<0..32>;​
         CipherSuite     cipher_suites<2..2^16-2>;​
         opaque          legacy_compression_methods<1..2^8-1>;​
         Extension       extensions<8..2^16-1>;​
    } ClientHello;
  • De facto: Hand-written parsers and formatters, for performance, but also many vulnerabilities

    • Heartbleed was a parsing bug

EverParse: A Verified Low-level Parser Generator

  • Given a type description (e.g., ClientHello)

  • Produces a parser and a formatter indexed by its (inverse) parser

let parser t = b:bytes -> option (t * n:nat{n <= length b})
let format (p:parser t) = f:(t -> bytes) {
    forall x. p (f x) == Some (x, length (f x))
  • And a low-level zero-copy validator indexed by the parser
    let validator (p:parser t) = 
      bs:array uint8 ->
      pos:u32 { pos <= length bs } ->
      ST u32
      (requires fun h0 -> h0 `contains` bs)
      (ensures fun h0 res h1 ->
          h0 == h1 /\
          (if res < ERROR_CODE
           then exists v. p (as_bytes bs h0 pos) = Some (v, res) (* parsing succeeds *)
           else p (as_bytes bs h0 pos) = None (* parsing fails *)))

Combinator library for validators

  • Mirroring the structure of parser combinators
val return : validator unit_parser
val bind : validator p -> (t -> validator q) -> validator (p `Parser.bind` q)
val seq: validator p -> validator s -> validator (p `Parser.seq` s)
val map : f:(t -> s)  -> validator p -> -> validator ( f p)
  • Client-hello validator

    `seq` random_validator​
    `seq` sessionID_validator​
    `seq` clientHello_cipher_suites_validator​
    `seq` clientHello_compression_method_validator​
    `seq` clientHelloExtensions_validator​
  • Imperative code refines pure parser by construction

Data accessors

  • Structured access into validated binary data, specified by parsers and lenses

    let accessor (p1:parser t1) (p2:parser t2) (l:lens t1 t2) =
      bs:array uint8 ->
      pos:u32 { pos <= length bs } ->
      ST u32
      (requires fun h0 ->
          h0 `contains` bs /\
          Some? (p1 (as_bytes bs h0 pos))) (* bs contains a valid t1 *))
      (ensures fun h0 res h1 ->
          h0 == h1 /\
          let Some (v1, _) = p1 (as_bytes bs h0 pos) in
          p2 (as_bytes bs h0 res) == Some (l.get v1, _)) (* returns offset to t2 *)
  • Abstractly, structured data access into a (representation of) t1

  • Concretely, just performs arithmetic into the binary formatted data

    • Effectively, reads directly from computed offsets into network packets
    • Would be crazy to try this directly in C!

Extracted to efficient C code

  • After partial evaluation and proof erasure
uint32_t Parsers_ClientHello_clientHello_validator(LowParse_Low_Base_slice input, uint32_t pos)​
  uint32_t pos10 = Parsers_ProtocolVersion_protocolVersion_validator(input, pos);​
  uint32_t pos11;​
  if (pos10 > ERROR_CODE)​
    pos11 = pos10;​
    pos11 = Parsers_Random_random_validator(input, pos10);​
  uint32_t pos12;​
  if (pos11 > ERROR_CODE)​
    pos12 = pos11;​
    pos12 = Parsers_SessionID_sessionID_validator(input, pos11);​
  uint32_t pos13;​
  if (pos12 > ERROR_CODE)​
    pos13 = pos12;​
    pos13 = Parsers_ClientHello_cipher_suites_clientHello_cipher_suites_validator(input, pos12);​
  uint32_t pos1;​

Performance of extracted C code


Wrapping up

  • Write low-level code if you must

  • But, program it tastefully in a proof assistant, not directly in C or asm

  • Thoughtful structuring of imperative coding patterns can make reasoning about imperative programs similar to functional programming

  • And with proofs, partial evaluation and proof erasure, the resulting code can be significantly faster than hand-written C

  • Homework: Try Chapters 1 7 of

Bonus: From F* to SMT

SMT encoding

  • F* verification conditions

    • classical, dependently typed, higher-order logic
  • We encode this to SMT

    • FOL + equality and function symbols + arithmetic + e-matching
    • goals: soundness, predictability, efficiency, scalability
    • pragmatic balance between completeness and practical tractability
  • The encoding

    • preserves types
    • combines a deep and a shallow embedding of F* terms
    • allows bounded unrolling of recursive and inductive definitions
    • eliminates first-class functions by lambda lifting
    • uses SMT-patterns extensively to guide instantiation of quantifiers
    • currently targets only Z3 (but some early experiments with CVC4)

Encoding primitive operations and types

  • Primitive types (booleans, integers) are boxed

    (declare-sort Term)
    (declare-fun BoxInt (Int) Term)
    (declare-fun BoxInt_proj (Term) Int)
    (assert (forall ((@x Int)) (= (BoxInt_proj (BoxInt @x)) @x))) 
    (declare-fun () Type)
    (assert (forall ((@x Int)) (HasType (BoxInt @x)

    Operators are given shallow semantics:

     (assert (forall ((@x Term) (@y Term))
       (= (op_Subtraction @x @y) (BoxInt (- (BoxInt_proj @x) (BoxInt_proj @y))))))

Typechecking factorial

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
  • Encoding type nat:
    (assert (forall ((@x Term))
    (iff (HasType @x nat) (and (HasType @x int) (>= (BoxInt_proj @x) 0)))))
  • Proving termination:
    (declare-fun n () Term)
    (assert (not (implies (and (HasType n nat) (not (= n (BoxInt 0))))
                          (Valid (Precedes (op_Subtraction n (BoxInt 1)) n)))))
  • Can be proved because of this axiom:
    (assert (forall ((@x Term) (@y Term))
             (implies (and (HasType @x nat) (HasType @y nat)
                           (< (BoxInt_proj @x) (BoxInt_proj @y)))
                      (Valid (Precedes @x @y)))))

Typechecking factorial (2)

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
  • Return value is nat
    (declare-fun n () Term)
    (assert (HasType n nat))
    (assert (forall ((@x Term))
                  (implies (and (HasType @x nat) (Valid (Precedes @x n)))
                           (HasType (factorial @x) nat))))
    (assert (not (ite (BoxBool_proj (op_Equality int n (BoxInt 0)))
                    (>= 1 0)
                    (>= (BoxInt_proj (op_Multiply n
                          (factorial (op_Subtraction n (BoxInt 1))))) 0 ))))

Allowing SMT solver to do bounded unrolling

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
(declare-datatypes () ((Fuel (ZFuel) (SFuel (prec Fuel)))))
(declare-fun MaxFuel () Fuel)
(assert (= MaxFuel (SFuel (SFuel ZFuel))))
(assert (forall ((@f Fuel) (x Term))
        (implies (HasType x nat)
                 (= (factorial_fuel (SFuel @f) x)
                    (ite (op_Equality int x (BoxInt 0))
                         (BoxInt 1)
                         (op_Multiply x
                                (factorial_fuel @f
                                     (op_Subtraction x (BoxInt 1)))))))))
(assert (forall ((@x Term)) (= (factorial @x) (factorial_fuel MaxFuel @x))))