Most of them in the room!
“C”: A C-like DSL with a memory model with stacks, heaps, pointers, arrays, malloc, alloca, free
“Assembly”: Subset of X64 assembly with structured control flow, with a low-level memory model (flat array of bytes)
Everything is sequential, no concurrency etc.
Crypto: Need for speed! Using specialized instruction sets
Low-level control
Can we verify C and assembly together against a single shared spec?
While supporting abstractions suitable for each language
For C:
A relatively abstract memory model
An abstract calling convention, with named parameters rather than stack slots or registers, platform independent
Complex types rather than just bytes; i.e., integer types, arrays, structs, …
For assembly:
A low-level memory model (flat array of bytes)
Platform-specific calling convention, registers, stack slots etc.
All operations on bytes or machine words
Verified C programs call into verified assembly procedures or inline assembly fragments
Control transfers from assembly back to C only via returns
The only observable effects of assembly in C are:
Updates to memory, observed atomically as assembly returns
The value in the rax
register in the final machine state of the assembly program as it returns to C
digital side-channels due to the trace of instructions or memory addresses accessed in assembly
Low*: A shallow embedding of C-like DSL in F*
Verified in a Hoare logic for stateful programs:
let x = malloc 17 in x := 42; free x : ST unit pre post
Verified programs are extracted from F* to C by KreMLin and compiled by gcc, visual c++, compcert, …
Vale: A deep embedding of an X64 assembly subset in F*
Syntax of assembly programs as a datatype verified in a Hoare logic
procedure proc()
rsi + 8 <= rdi;
Mov(rcx, rdi);
Add(rcx, rsi); ...}
Verified programs are easily printed in some concrete syntax for assembly
MiniLow*: A simplified overview of Low*'s embedding in F* as an effect
MiniVale: A simplified overview of Vale language and its deep embedding in F*
Modeling interop between MiniLow* and MiniVale
Additional challenges generalizing to Vale and Low*
Inherit the control constructs, modular structure and typing discipline, partial evaluation capabilities of F*
Verified programs are extracted as usual by F* to an ML-like language
Very similar to Coq's extraction to OCaml
Heavy use of erasure and partial evaluation
If the extracted program is first order, doesn't use unbounded inductive types (e.g., no list, tree etc.), … KreMLin emits the program to C after
translating F* types modeling C constructs to C primitives (e.g,
to uint64_t
; array t
to t*
compilation of pattern matches
bundling fragments into compilation units
An abstract effect in F* for stateful programming in the C memory model
type st a = s -> (a * s)
let return x h = x,h
let bind f g h = let x,h' = f h in g x h'
let get () h = h,h
let put h _ = (),h
Turned into an abstract “computation type” and can be primitively implemented under the hood or not
new_effect ST { st; return; bind; get; put } (* actually, a bit more verbose than that! *)
Can now program effectful computations directly:
let double () = put (get () + get ())
And F* can check double : unit -> ST unit pre post
ST a (requires (pre: s -> prop)) (ensures (post: s -> a -> s -> prop))
val get ()
: ST s
(requires fun s -> True)
(ensures fun s0 result s1 -> s0 == result /\ result == s1)
val put s
: ST unit
(requires fun _ -> True)
(ensures fun _ _ s1 -> s1 == s)
Program libraries to model memory with pointers to mutable arrays
Derive effectful actions for primitive operations (e.g., !
, :=
Write and verify effectful programs against these libraries
Extract them to programs in C with primitive effects
let incr (p:pointer int) : ST unit
(requires fun h0 -> h0 `contains` p)
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies {p} h0 h1 /\ h1.[p] = h0.[p] + 1)
= p := !p + 1
void incr (int *p) { *p = *p + 1; }
module Memory
let addr = nat
(* A memory of mutable arrays: Stores a sequence of values at each address *)
abstract let mem = {
next_addr: addr;
map: addr -> option (a:Type & seq a) {
forall a. h >= next_addr ==> map a == None
abstract let array t = {
let ptr t = a:array t{a.len = 1}
let contains m (a:array t) : prop = ...
let sel m (a:array t{m `contains` a}) : seq a = ...
let upd m (a:array t{m `contains` a}) s : mem = ...
Array indexing: a.[i]
extracted to *(a + i)
let ( .[] ) #t (a:array t) (i:nat)
: ST t
(requires fun h -> h `contains` r /\ i < a.len)
(ensures fun h0 x h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ x == Seq.index (sel h1 r) i)
= index (sel (get()) a) i
Array update: a.[i] <- v
extracted to *(a + i) = v
let ( .[]<- ) #t (a:array t) (i:nat) (v:t)
: ST unit
(requires fun h -> h `contains` a /\ i < a.len)
(ensures fun h0 x h1 -> h1 == upd h0 a (Seq.update (sel h0 a) i v))
= let h0 = get () in
put (upd h0 a (Seq.update (sel h0 a) i v))
let malloc #t (i:nat) (x:t)
: ST (array t)
(requires fun h -> True)
(ensures fun h0 a h1 -> modifies {} h0 h1 /\ fresh a h0 h1 /\ sel h1 a == Seq.create i x)
= ...
let free #t (a:array t)
: ST unit
(requires fun h -> h `contains` r)
(ensures fun h0 () h1 -> modifies {a} h0 h1)
= ...
Well, more libraries modeling
let accessor (p1:parser t1) (p2:parser t2) (l:lens t1 t2) =
bs:array uint8 ->
pos:u32 { pos <= length bs } ->
ST u32 (requires ...) (ensures ...)
uint32_t Parsers_ClientHello_clientHello_validator(LowParse_Low_Base_slice input, uint32_t pos)
uint32_t pos10 = Parsers_ProtocolVersion_protocolVersion_validator(input, pos);
uint32_t pos11;
if (pos10 > ERROR_CODE)
pos11 = pos10;
pos11 = Parsers_Random_random_validator(input, pos10);
uint32_t pos12;
if (pos11 > ERROR_CODE)
pos12 = pos11; ...
type reg = | Rax | Rbx | ...
let regs_t = Map.t reg nat64
let heap_t = Map.t nat64 nat8
type state_t = {
regs: regs_t;
heap: heap_t;
flags: flags_t;
stack: stack_t;
type operand =
| Reg of reg
| Const of nat64
| Mem of nat64
type ins =
| Mov64: dst:operand -> src:operand -> ins
| Add64: dst:operand -> src:operand -> ins
type prog =
| Ins : ins -> prog
| Block : list prog -> prog
| WhileLessThan : src1:operand -> src2:operand -> whileBody:code -> code
val eval (p:prog) (f:fuel) (s:state_t) : option state_t
let pre_t = state_t -> prop
let post_t = state_t -> state_t -> prop
(* {pre} c {post}: Also computes the fuel needed to run c *)
let triple (pre:pre_t) (c:prog) (post:post_t) =
s0:state_t { pre s0 } ->
(s1:state & f:fuel {
eval s0 c f == Some s1 /\
post s0 s1
: A simple vale program and proofprocedure memcpy64()
(rsi + 64 <= rdi) \/ (rdi + 64 <= rsi); //source and destination arrays are disjoint
forall(i) rsi <= i < rsi + 64 ==> Map.contains(mem, i);
forall(i) rdi <= i < rdi + 64 ==> Map.contains(mem, i);
forall(i) 0 <= i && i < 64 ==> mem[rdi + i] == mem[rsi + i];
rsi; rdi;
rax; rbx; rcx; rdx; rbp;
Load64(rax, rsi, 0); Load64(rbx, rsi, 8);
Load64(rcx, rsi, 16); Load64(rdx, rsi, 24);
Load64(rbp, rsi, 32); Store64(rdi, rax, 0);
Store64(rdi, rbx, 8); Store64(rdi, rcx, 16);
Store64(rdi, rdx, 24); Store64(rdi, rbp, 32);
Load64(rax, rsi, 40); Load64(rbx, rsi, 48);
Load64(rcx, rsi, 56); Store64(rdi, rax, 40);
Store64(rdi, rbx, 48); Store64(rdi, rcx, 56);
: Embedded In F*let memcpy64_pre : pre_t = fun s -> r.regs.[Rsi] + 64 <= r.regs.[Rdi] /\ ...
let memcpy64_code : prog = [ ... instructions ... ]
let memcpy64_post : post_t = fun s0 s1 -> ...
(* Main statement of correctness *)
val memcpy64_correct : triple memcpy64_pre memcpy64_code memcpy64_post
from Low*val memcpy64 (dst src:array u8)
: ST _
(requires fun m0 ->
m0 `contains` dst /\
m0 `contains` src /\
disjoint dst src /\
dst.length >= 64 /\
src.length >= 64)
(ensures fun m0 _ m1 ->
modifies { dst } m0 m1 /\
(forall (i:nat{i<64}). Seq.index (sel m1 dst) i == Seq.index (sel m0 src) i))
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 dst src in (* Build a Vale machine state *)
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 dst src in (* Build a Vale machine state *)
let s1, f = memcpy64_correct s0 in (* Use the Vale correctness proof to compute the final Vale state *)
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 dst src in (* Build a Vale machine state *)
let s1, f = memcpy64_correct s0 in (* Use the Vale correctness proof to compute the final Vale state *)
assert (Some s1 = eval memcpy64_code s0 f); //s1 is really what the interpreter computes
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 dst src in (* Build a Vale machine state *)
let s1, f = memcpy64_correct s0 in (* Use the Vale correctness proof to compute the final Vale state *)
assert (Some s1 = eval memcpy64_code s0 f); //s1 is really what the interpreter computes
ST.put (create_final_lowstar_memory m0 s1 dst src) in (* Read back the final Low* memory *)
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 dst src in (* Build a Vale machine state *)
let s1, f = memcpy64_correct s0 in (* Use the Vale correctness proof to compute the final Vale state *)
assert (Some s1 = eval memcpy64_code s0 f); //s1 is really what the interpreter computes
ST.put (create_final_lowstar_memory m0 s1 dst src) in (* Read back the final Low* memory *)
U64.from_nat64 (s1.regs.[Rax]) (* Return the value of Rax *)
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 dst src in (* Build a Vale machine state *)
let s1, f = memcpy64_correct s0 in (* Use the Vale correctness proof to compute the final Vale state *)
assert (Some s1 = eval memcpy64_code s0 f); //s1 is really what the interpreter computes
ST.put (create_final_lowstar_memory m0 s1 dst src) in (* Read back the final Low* memory *)
U64.from_nat64 (s1.regs.[Rax]) (* Return the value of Rax *)
This defines our interop model
How to define create_initial_vale_state
and create_final_lowstar_memory
How to do this generically so that we have an interop model once
and for all, rather than just an interop model for memcpy
We need to map Low* arrays to concrete Vale address ranges
Assume the existence of a function that given a (small) list of disjoint Low* arrays, computes concrete Vale addresses for them
let arrays = l:list (array u8) { //at most 2^16 disjoint or equal arrays
length l < 2^16 /\
forall a1 a2. a1 `mem` l /\ a2 `mem` l ==>
a1 == a2 \/ a1 `disjoint` a2
val addrs (ars:arrays) : m:(a:array u8 { a in ars } -> nat64 {
//the whole array is mapped to a valid sequence of concrete addresses
(forall a in ars. valid_range (m a, m a + a.length)) /\
//disjoint arrays are mapped to disjoint concrete addresses
(forall (a1 in ars) (a2 in ars). a1 `disjoint` a2 ==>
disjoint_ranges (m a1, m a1 + a1.length) (m a2, m a2 + a2.length))
Given an addrs ars
one can implement a bidirectional map
and up
between Low* Memory.mem
to a Vale heap_t
, with
the following signature capturing:
Vale programs can only access addresses that correspond to the live Low* arrays passed to it
All live arrays in Low* mem are accurately layed out in Vale memory (i.e., arrays are contiguous)
val down (ars:arrays) (m:mem) : h:heap_t
val up (ars:arrays) (m0:mem) (h:heap_t{domain h == domain (down ars m0)}) : mem
In reality, also accounts for layout of structured types, e.g., machine integers with endianness
let max_args = if then 4 else 6
let register_of_arg_i (i:nat{i < max_args}) : reg =
if then //windows calling convention
match i with
| 0 -> Rcx | 1 -> Rdx | 2 -> R8 | 3 -> R9
match i with
| 0 -> Rdi | 1 -> Rsi | 2 -> Rdx | 3 -> Rcx | 4 -> R8 | 5 -> R9
Populate the initial register file
let registers_of_args (args:list nat64{length args < max_args}) regs =
(fun (regs, i) a -> Regs.upd regs (register_of_arg_i i) a, i + 1)
(regs, 0)
In reality, also account for spilling arguments on the stack etc.
val init_regs (m:mem) : regs_t
let create_initial_vale_state (m0:mem) (dst src:array u8) =
let ars = [dst;src] in
let vale_addrs = (addrs ars) ars in
let regs = registers_of_args vale_addrs (init_regs m0) in
let h0 = down ars m0 in
{ regs = regs;
heap = h0;
stack = ...;
flags = ...; }
let create_final_lowstar_memory m0 s1 dst src = up [dst;src] m0 s1.heap
: What here is specific to memcpy64
let memcpy64 dst src =
let m0 = ST.get () in (* Get the initial Low* memory *)
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 dst src in (* Build a Vale machine state *)
let s1, f = memcpy64_correct s0 in (* Use the Vale correctness proof to compute the final Vale state *)
ST.put (create_final_lowstar_memory m0 s1 dst src) in (* Read back the final Low* memory *)
s1.regs.[Rax] (* Return the value of Rax *)
Arity (and types) of arguments dst:array u8, src:array u8
The correctness lemma to call
But, we have dependent types! We should be able to generalize this with a bit of generic programming
let rec n_arrow (n:nat{ n < max_args }) (result:Type) =
if n = 0 then result
else nat64 -> n_arrow (n - 1) result
let rec wrapper_t (n:arity)
(pre:n_arrow n pre_t)
(post:n_arrow n post_t)
(args:arrays) =
if n = 0 then
unit -> ST U64.t
(requires fun m0 ->
pre (create_vale_state args m0))
(ensures fun m0 v m1 ->
post (create_vale_state args m0)
{ create_vale_state args m1 with Regs.rax = U64.as_nat v} )
a:array u8 -> wrapper_t (n - 1) (pre a) (post a) (args @ [ a ])
let rec call_assembly (n:arity) (c:code) (pre:n_arrow n pre_t) (post:n_arrow n post_t)
(correctness:n_triple pre c post)
: wrapper_t n pre post args
= if n = 0 then
fun () ->
let m0 = ST.get () in
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 args in
let s1, f = correctness s0 in
ST.put (create_final_lowstar_memory m0 s1 args) in
U64.from_nat (s1.regs.[Rax])
fun (x:array u8) ->
call_assembly (n - 1) c (pre x) (post x) (correctness x) (args @ [x])
let memcpy64 dst src =
call_assembly 2 memcpy64_code memcpy64_pre memcpy64_post memcpy64_correct [dst;src]
Not just array u8
: u8, ..., u128
, with endianness etc., and
arrays of them, mutability qualifiers, disjointness, taint, …
Enforcing that Vale functions always respect their side of the calling convention, leaving stacks in the right shape etc.
Multiple layers of untrusted semantics so that proofs of Low* code
calling assembly do not have to reason about low-level abstraction
like create_initial_vale_state
Inline assembly and custom calling conventions
Relating side-channel guarantees
Highly optimised bignum modular arithmetic with Intel ADX: fadd
, fsub
Glueing pieces together in C
void point_double(uint64_t* nq) {
... }
Custom calling conventions
Custom clobbered registers
static inline void fadd(uint64_t* arg0, uint64_t* arg1, uint64_t* arg2) {
//custom register mapping
register uint64_t* arg0_r asm("rdi") = arg0;
register uint64_t* arg1_r asm("rsi") = arg1;
register uint64_t* arg2_r asm("rdx") = arg2;
__asm__ __volatile__(
" movq 0(%%rdx), %%r8;"
" addq 0(%%rsi), %%r8;"
: "+&r" (arg2_r) //outputs
: "r" (arg0_r), "r" (arg1_r) //inputs
: "%rax", "%rcx", "%r8", … //clobbered
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 [arg0;arg1;arg2] in
let s0 = create_initial_vale_state m0 [arg0;arg1;arg2]
(args_regs:i:nat{i < arity} -> reg) in
let s1, f = fadd_correct s0 in
let s1, f = fadd_correct s0 in
assert (only_modified modified_regs s0 s1);
register uint64_t* arg0_r asm({args_regs 0}) = arg0;
__asm__ __volatile__(
{ vale_printer(code) }
: "r" (arg0_r)
: {modified_regs}, "%memory", "%cc"
Certified taint analysis checking secret-independence of implementations
Correctness of the analysis proven on the deeply embedded Vale semantics, instrumented with observation traces
//noninterference property
let isConstantTime (s1 s2:state) (code:code) (f:fuel) public_vals =
let r1 = eval code s1 f in
let r2 = eval code s2 f in
public_vals(s1) == public_vals(s2) /\ s1.trace == s2.trace ==>
public_vals(r1) == public_vals(r2) /\ r1.trace == r2.trace
//partially decides isConstantTime
val taint_analysis (code:code) public_vals
: b:bool{b ==> forall s1 s2 f. isConstantTime s1 s2 code f public_vals}
Secret-independence through type abstraction: type sec64
Only constant-time operations for secret integers:
val add: sec64 -> sec64 -> sec64
Cannot use secret integers to branch or access memory
Metatheorem (on paper) ensuring that execution traces of such programs do not depend on secret values
Vale programs can be seen as atomic Low* computations
Success of the Vale taint analysis ensures secret independent Vale execution traces
Extended metatheorem: Low* traces now include Vale traces; prove that extended Low* traces are secret independent
At extraction time, run the Vale taint analysis with secrets labels from Low* types
31 Low* calls into Vale assembly
CPU features detection, parts of cryptographic algorithms, full cryptographic implementations
Our biggest call: AES-GCM. 17 arguments, 200 lines of specification
Multi-language/multi-abstraction programs are unavoidable in real systems
With our multi-language embedding, prove joint theorems to ensure that specifications don't drift and providing an end-to-end guarantee
Future directions:
And, oh, generic programming is awesome