From F* to SMT

SMT encoding

  • F* verification conditions

    • classical, dependently typed, higher-order logic
  • We encode this to SMT

    • FOL + equality and function symbols + arithmetic + e-matching
    • goals: soundness, predictability, efficiency, scalability
    • pragmatic balance between completeness and practical tractability
  • The encoding

    • preserves types
    • combines a deep and a shallow embedding of F* terms
    • allows bounded unrolling of recursive and inductive definitions
    • eliminates first-class functions by lambda lifting
    • uses SMT-patterns extensively to guide instantiation of quantifiers
    • currently targets only Z3 (but some early experiments with CVC4)

Encoding primitive operations and types

  • Primitive types (booleans, integers) are boxed

    (declare-sort Term)
    (declare-fun BoxInt (Int) Term)
    (declare-fun BoxInt_proj (Term) Int)
    (assert (forall ((@x Int)) (= (BoxInt_proj (BoxInt @x)) @x)))
    (declare-fun () Type)
    (assert (forall ((@x Int)) (HasType (BoxInt @x)

    Operators are given shallow semantics:

     (assert (forall ((@x Term) (@y Term))
       (= (op_Subtraction @x @y) (BoxInt (- (BoxInt_proj @x) (BoxInt_proj @y))))))

Typechecking factorial

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
  • Encoding type nat:
    (assert (forall ((@x Term))
    (iff (HasType @x nat) (and (HasType @x int) (>= (BoxInt_proj @x) 0)))))
  • Proving termination:
    (declare-fun n () Term)
    (assert (not (implies (and (HasType n nat) (not (= n (BoxInt 0))))
                          (Valid (Precedes (op_Subtraction n (BoxInt 1)) n)))))
  • Can be proved because of this axiom:
    (assert (forall ((@x Term) (@y Term))
             (implies (and (HasType @x nat) (HasType @y nat)
                           (< (BoxInt_proj @x) (BoxInt_proj @y)))
                      (Valid (Precedes @x @y)))))

Typechecking factorial (2)

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
  • Return value is nat
    (declare-fun n () Term)
    (assert (HasType n nat))
    (assert (forall ((@x Term))
                  (implies (and (HasType @x nat) (Valid (Precedes @x n)))
                           (HasType (factorial @x) nat))))
    (assert (not (ite (BoxBool_proj (op_Equality int n (BoxInt 0)))
                    (>= 1 0)
                    (>= (BoxInt_proj (op_Multiply n
                          (factorial (op_Subtraction n (BoxInt 1))))) 0 ))))

Allowing SMT solver to do bounded unrolling

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
(declare-datatypes () ((Fuel (ZFuel) (SFuel (prec Fuel)))))
(declare-fun MaxFuel () Fuel)
(assert (= MaxFuel (SFuel (SFuel ZFuel))))
(assert (forall ((@f Fuel) (x Term))
        (implies (HasType x nat)
                 (= (factorial_fuel (SFuel @f) x)
                    (ite (op_Equality int x (BoxInt 0))
                         (BoxInt 1)
                         (op_Multiply x
                                (factorial_fuel @f
                                     (op_Subtraction x (BoxInt 1)))))))))
(assert (forall ((@x Term)) (= (factorial @x) (factorial_fuel MaxFuel @x))))