/// This is a continuation of the previous exercise. We start with the answers /// from RingBuffer1, then present more challenges. module RingBuffer2 /// We define the canonical abbreviations, taking care to shadow ST to make sure /// we don't end up referring to FStar.ST by accident. module B = LowStar.Buffer module U32 = FStar.UInt32 module HS = FStar.HyperStack module M = LowStar.Modifies module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST module S = FStar.Seq /// This brings into scope the ``!*`` and ``*=`` operators, which are /// specifically designed to operate on buffers of size 1, i.e. on pointers. open LowStar.BufferOps open FStar.HyperStack.ST /// A ringbuffer is a view over a buffer, with a start index, a length (i.e. how /// many elements are currently being stored) and a total length (i.e. the size /// of the underlying ``b``). We chose this style, as opposed to a pair of /// ``first`` and ``last`` indices, because it avoids modular arithmetic which /// would be difficult to reason about. noeq type t a = { b: B.buffer a; first: B.pointer U32.t; length: B.pointer U32.t; total_length: U32.t } /// To facilitate writing predicates, we define a handy shortcut that is the /// reflection of the ``!*`` operator at the proof level. unfold let deref #a (h: HS.mem) (x: B.pointer a) = B.get h x 0 /// A first version of the well-formedness predicate for ring buffers. This /// predicate refers to a sequence, not a buffer, and therefore does not need /// the memory. It is useful in this module to have two versions of predicates: /// one that takes into account the memory, disjointness, etc. and another one /// that only focuses on index arithmetic. Nothing surprising here. Note that /// zero-sized ringbuffers are not allowed. let well_formed_f #a (b: S.seq a) (first length total_length: U32.t) = let open U32 in S.length b = v total_length /\ length <=^ total_length /\ first <^ total_length /\ total_length >^ 0ul /// Same predicate as above, but this time operating on a memory state and using /// a stateful ringbuffer. let well_formed #a (h: HS.mem) (x: t a) = B.live h x.b /\ B.live h x.first /\ B.live h x.length /\ M.(loc_disjoint (loc_buffer x.b) (loc_buffer x.first)) /\ M.(loc_disjoint (loc_buffer x.b) (loc_buffer x.length)) /\ M.(loc_disjoint (loc_buffer x.first) (loc_buffer x.length)) /\ well_formed_f (B.as_seq h x.b) (deref h x.first) (deref h x.length) x.total_length /// We next define operators for moving around the ringbuffer with wraparound /// semantics. Defining this using a modulo operator is not a good idea, because: /// - writing ``i +^ 1ul %^ total_length`` may overflow /// - Z3 is notoriously bad at reasoning with modular arithmetic. /// So, instead, we just do a simple branch. let next (i total_length: U32.t): Pure U32.t (requires U32.(total_length >^ 0ul /\ i <^ total_length)) (ensures fun r -> U32.( r <^ total_length )) = let open U32 in if i =^ total_length -^ 1ul then 0ul else i +^ 1ul let prev (i total_length: U32.t): Pure U32.t (requires U32.(total_length >^ 0ul /\ i <^ total_length)) (ensures fun r -> U32.( r <^ total_length )) = let open U32 in if i >^ 0ul then i -^ 1ul else total_length -^ 1ul /// These two are useful from the client's perspective, to capture how many slots /// are left in the buffer. let remaining_space #a (h: HS.mem) (x: t a { well_formed h x }) = U32.( x.total_length -^ (deref h x.length) ) let space_left #a (h: HS.mem) (x: t a { well_formed h x }) = U32.( remaining_space h x >^ 0ul ) /// A predicate over indices that captures whether a given entry in the buffer /// is occupied. Once again, we avoid modular arithmetic by branching. let used_slot_f (first length total_length i: U32.t) = let first = U32.v first in let length = U32.v length in let total_length = U32.v total_length in let i = U32.v i in first <= i /\ i < first + length \/ first <= i + total_length /\ i + total_length < first + length /// Same thing, but over a memory and the actual references. let used_slot #a (h: HS.mem) (x: t a { well_formed h x }) (i: U32.t) = let first = deref h x.first in let length = deref h x.length in let total_length = x.total_length in used_slot_f first length total_length i /// The goal is now to reflect a given ringbuffer in a given heap as a list, so /// that we can provide a functional specification for pop. Please fill out this predicate. let as_list #a (h: HS.mem) (x: t a): Ghost (list a) (requires well_formed h x) (ensures fun _ -> True) = admit () /// Now, enrich the pre- and post-conditions of pop to add a functional /// specification, then write out the body. let pop (#a: eqtype) (x: t a): Stack a (requires fun h -> well_formed h x /\ U32.(deref h x.length >^ 0ul)) (ensures fun h0 r h1 -> well_formed h1 x /\ M.(modifies (loc_union (loc_buffer x.length) (loc_buffer x.first)) h0 h1) /\ U32.(remaining_space h1 x = remaining_space h0 x +^ 1ul) /\ ( True)) // fill out here! = admit ()